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// Amplify Shader Editor - Visual Shader Editing Tool
// Copyright (c) Amplify Creations, Lda <>
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEngine;
namespace AmplifyShaderEditor
public class ConfirmationWindow
public delegate ShaderLoadResult OnConfirmationSelected( bool value, Shader shader, Material material );
public event OnConfirmationSelected OnConfirmationSelectedEvt;
private const string m_yesStr = "Yes";
private const string m_noStr = "No";
private bool m_isActive = false;
private string m_currentMessage;
private GUIStyle m_areaStyle;
private GUIContent m_content;
private GUIStyle m_buttonStyle;
private GUIStyle m_labelStyle;
private Shader m_shader;
private Material m_material;
private Rect m_area;
private bool m_autoDeactivate = true;
public ConfirmationWindow( float x, float y, float width, float height )
m_content = new GUIContent( GUIContent.none );
m_area = new Rect( x, y, width, height );
public void Destroy()
m_shader = null;
OnConfirmationSelectedEvt = null;
public void ActivateConfirmation( Shader shader, Material material, string message, OnConfirmationSelected evt, bool autoDeactivate = true )
OnConfirmationSelectedEvt = evt;
m_currentMessage = message;
m_shader = shader;
m_material = material;
m_autoDeactivate = autoDeactivate;
m_isActive = true;
public void OnGUI()
if ( m_areaStyle == null )
m_areaStyle = new GUIStyle( UIUtils.TextArea );
m_areaStyle.stretchHeight = true;
m_areaStyle.stretchWidth = true;
m_areaStyle.fontSize = ( int ) Constants.DefaultTitleFontSize;
if ( m_buttonStyle == null )
m_buttonStyle = UIUtils.Button;
if ( m_labelStyle == null )
m_labelStyle = new GUIStyle( UIUtils.Label );
m_labelStyle.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter;
m_labelStyle.wordWrap = true;
m_area.x = ( int ) ( 0.5f * UIUtils.CurrentWindow.CameraInfo.width );
m_area.y = ( int ) ( 0.5f * UIUtils.CurrentWindow.CameraInfo.height );
GUILayout.BeginArea( m_area, m_content, m_areaStyle );
EditorGUILayout.LabelField( m_currentMessage, m_labelStyle );
if ( GUILayout.Button( m_yesStr, m_buttonStyle ) )
if ( OnConfirmationSelectedEvt != null )
OnConfirmationSelectedEvt( true, m_shader, m_material );
if ( m_autoDeactivate )
if ( GUILayout.Button( m_noStr, m_buttonStyle ) )
if ( OnConfirmationSelectedEvt != null )
OnConfirmationSelectedEvt( false, m_shader, m_material );
if ( m_autoDeactivate )
public void Deactivate()
m_isActive = false;
OnConfirmationSelectedEvt = null;
public bool IsActive { get { return m_isActive; } }