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// Amplify Shader Editor - Visual Shader Editing Tool
// Copyright (c) Amplify Creations, Lda <>
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
namespace AmplifyShaderEditor
public class TemplateTag
public string Tag = string.Empty;
public string Replacement = string.Empty;
public TemplateTag( string tag, string replacement = null )
Tag = tag;
if( replacement != null )
Replacement = replacement;
public class TemplateId
public int StartIdx = -1;
public string UniqueID;
public string Tag;
public string ReplacementText;
public bool IsReplaced = false;
public bool EmptyReplacer = false;
public TemplateId( int bodyIdx, string uniqueID, string tag, bool emptyReplacer = false )
StartIdx = bodyIdx;
UniqueID = uniqueID;
Tag = tag;
EmptyReplacer = emptyReplacer;
ReplacementText = emptyReplacer ? string.Empty : tag;
public void SetReplacementText( string replacementText )
ReplacementText = replacementText;
IsReplaced = true;
public void Reset()
ReplacementText = EmptyReplacer?string.Empty:Tag;
IsReplaced = false;
public class TemplateIdManager
private bool m_isSorted = false;
private string m_shaderBody;
private List<TemplateId> m_registeredIds = new List<TemplateId>();
private List<TemplateTag> m_registeredTags = new List<TemplateTag>();
private Dictionary<string, TemplateId> m_registeredIdsDict = new Dictionary<string, TemplateId>();
public TemplateIdManager( string shaderBody )
m_shaderBody = shaderBody;
public void Destroy()
m_registeredTags = null;
m_registeredIds = null;
if( m_registeredIdsDict != null )
m_registeredIdsDict = null;
void RefreshIds()
if( m_registeredIdsDict == null )
m_registeredIdsDict = new Dictionary<string, TemplateId>();
if( m_registeredIdsDict.Count != m_registeredIds.Count )
int count = m_registeredIds.Count;
for( int i = 0; i < count; i++ )
m_registeredIdsDict.Add( m_registeredIds[ i ].UniqueID, m_registeredIds[ i ] );
public void RegisterId( int bodyIdx, string uniqueID, string tag, bool emptyReplacer = false )
if( bodyIdx < 0 )
TemplateId templateId = new TemplateId( bodyIdx, uniqueID, tag, emptyReplacer );
m_registeredIds.Add( templateId );
m_registeredIdsDict.Add( uniqueID, templateId );
public void RegisterTag( string tag, string replacement = null )
m_registeredTags.Add( new TemplateTag( tag, replacement ) );
public void SetReplacementText( string uniqueId, string replacementText )
if( m_registeredIdsDict.ContainsKey( uniqueId ) && m_registeredIdsDict[ uniqueId ].StartIdx >= 0 )
m_registeredIdsDict[ uniqueId ].SetReplacementText( replacementText );
public string BuildShader()
if( !m_isSorted )
m_registeredIds.Sort( ( x, y ) => { return x.StartIdx.CompareTo( y.StartIdx ); } );
int idCount = m_registeredIds.Count;
int offset = 0;
string finalShaderBody = m_shaderBody;
for( int i = 0; i < idCount; i++ )
if( m_registeredIds[ i ].StartIdx >= 0 && m_registeredIds[ i ].IsReplaced )
finalShaderBody = finalShaderBody.ReplaceAt( m_registeredIds[ i ].Tag, m_registeredIds[ i ].ReplacementText, offset + m_registeredIds[ i ].StartIdx );
offset += ( m_registeredIds[ i ].ReplacementText.Length - m_registeredIds[ i ].Tag.Length );
for( int i = 0; i < idCount; i++ )
if( !m_registeredIds[ i ].IsReplaced && !m_registeredIds[ i ].Tag.Equals( m_registeredIds[ i ].ReplacementText ) )
finalShaderBody = finalShaderBody.Replace( m_registeredIds[ i ].Tag, m_registeredIds[ i ].ReplacementText );
int tagCount = m_registeredTags.Count;
for( int i = 0; i < tagCount; i++ )
finalShaderBody = finalShaderBody.Replace( m_registeredTags[ i ].Tag, m_registeredTags[ i ].Replacement );
//finalShaderBody = finalShaderBody.Replace( TemplatesManager.TemplateExcludeFromGraphTag, string.Empty );
finalShaderBody = finalShaderBody.Replace( TemplatesManager.TemplateMainPassTag, string.Empty );
return finalShaderBody;
public void ResetRegistersState()
int count = m_registeredIds.Count;
for( int i = 0; i < count; i++ )
m_registeredIds[ i ].Reset();
public void Reset()
if( m_registeredIdsDict == null )
m_registeredIdsDict = new Dictionary<string, TemplateId>();
public string ShaderBody
get { return m_shaderBody; }
set { m_shaderBody = value; }