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// Amplify Shader Editor - Visual Shader Editing Tool
// Copyright (c) Amplify Creations, Lda <>
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace AmplifyShaderEditor
public class NodeRestrictionsData
private bool m_allPorts;
private Dictionary<int, bool> m_portRestrictions;
public NodeRestrictionsData()
m_portRestrictions = new Dictionary<int, bool>();
public NodeRestrictionsData( int port )
m_portRestrictions = new Dictionary<int, bool>();
m_portRestrictions.Add( port, true );
public void SetAllPortRestiction( bool value )
m_allPorts = value;
public void AddRestriction( int port )
if ( !m_portRestrictions.ContainsKey( port ) )
m_portRestrictions.Add( port, true );
m_portRestrictions[ port ] = true;
public void RemoveRestriction( int port )
if ( m_portRestrictions.ContainsKey( port ) )
m_portRestrictions[ port ] = true;
public bool IsPortRestricted( int port )
if ( m_portRestrictions.ContainsKey( port ) )
return m_portRestrictions[ port ];
return false;
public void Destroy()
m_portRestrictions = null;
public bool AllPortsRestricted
return m_allPorts;
public class NodeRestrictions
private Dictionary<System.Type, NodeRestrictionsData> m_restrictions;
public NodeRestrictions()
m_restrictions = new Dictionary<System.Type, NodeRestrictionsData>();
public void AddTypeRestriction( System.Type type )
if ( !m_restrictions.ContainsKey( type ) )
m_restrictions.Add( type, new NodeRestrictionsData() );
m_restrictions[ type ].SetAllPortRestiction( true );
public void AddPortRestriction( System.Type type, int port )
if ( !m_restrictions.ContainsKey( type ) )
m_restrictions.Add( type, new NodeRestrictionsData( port ) );
m_restrictions[ type ].AddRestriction( port );
public bool GetRestiction( System.Type type, int port )
if ( m_restrictions.Count == 0 || type == null )
return false;
if ( m_restrictions.ContainsKey( type ) )
if ( m_restrictions[ type ].AllPortsRestricted )
return true;
return m_restrictions[ type ].IsPortRestricted( port );
return false;
public void Destroy()
foreach ( KeyValuePair<System.Type, NodeRestrictionsData> pair in m_restrictions )
m_restrictions = null;