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using UnityEditor;
namespace AmplifyShaderEditor
public class OptionsWindow
private AmplifyShaderEditorWindow m_parentWindow = null;
private bool m_coloredPorts = true;
private bool m_multiLinePorts = true;
private const string MultiLineId = "MultiLinePortsDefault";
private const string ColorPortId = "ColoredPortsDefault";
public OptionsWindow( AmplifyShaderEditorWindow parentWindow )
m_parentWindow = parentWindow;
//Load ();
public void Init()
public void Destroy()
public void Save()
EditorPrefs.SetBool( ColorPortId, ColoredPorts );
EditorPrefs.SetBool( MultiLineId, m_multiLinePorts );
public void Load()
ColoredPorts = EditorPrefs.GetBool( ColorPortId, true );
m_multiLinePorts = EditorPrefs.GetBool( MultiLineId, true );
public bool ColoredPorts
get { return m_coloredPorts; }
if ( m_coloredPorts != value )
EditorPrefs.SetBool( ColorPortId, value );
m_coloredPorts = value;
public bool MultiLinePorts
get { return m_multiLinePorts; }
if ( m_multiLinePorts != value )
EditorPrefs.SetBool( MultiLineId, value );
m_multiLinePorts = value;
public AmplifyShaderEditorWindow ParentWindow { get { return m_parentWindow; } set { m_parentWindow = value; } }