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using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
public class Timer : MonoBehaviour {
//Time stuff
public float MaxTimer = 120.0f;
float curTime = 0.0f;
public Transform Pivot;
public Transform Sun;
float curRot = 0;
public Color Dawn;
public Color Noon;
float DawnValue;
float NoonValue;
float colorDif;
Image SunImage;
void Start()
SunImage = Sun.gameObject.GetComponent<Image>();
SunImage.color = Dawn;
DawnValue = Dawn.b;
NoonValue = Noon.b;
colorDif = Mathf.Abs(NoonValue - DawnValue);
void Update () {
curTime += 1.0f * Time.deltaTime;
if (curTime >= MaxTimer)
//Game Lose code here
Color newColor;
if (curTime > MaxTimer / 2)
newColor = new Color(SunImage.color.r, SunImage.color.g - colorDif * ((90 / MaxTimer) * Time.deltaTime), SunImage.color.b );
newColor = new Color(SunImage.color.r, SunImage.color.g + colorDif * ((90 / MaxTimer) * Time.deltaTime), SunImage.color.b);
SunImage.color = newColor;
Sun.RotateAround(Pivot.transform.position, -1 * Sun.transform.forward, (180 / MaxTimer) * Time.deltaTime);