using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; public class Map : MonoBehaviour { GameObject LocalPlayer; List Players = new List(); public GameObject[] Tiles; public List Landmarks; public int TileSize = 100; public Vector2 MapDimensions; public List Veggies; //Minimum and maximum values for the map public float minX { get { return (-MapDimensions.x * (TileSize / 2)); } } public float maxX { get { return (MapDimensions.x * (TileSize / 2)); } } public float minZ { get { return (-MapDimensions.y * (TileSize / 2)); } } public float maxZ { get { return (-MapDimensions.y * (TileSize / 2)); } } #region StartupFunctions private void Start() { LocalPlayer = Multiplayer.PlayersManager.Instance.LocalPlayer; Players.Add(LocalPlayer); foreach (GameObject curPlayer in Multiplayer.PlayersManager.Instance.RemotePlayers.Values) { Players.Add(curPlayer); } GenerateTiles(); CreateDummys(); } //Create dummy players for the world wrapping void CreateDummys() { foreach (GameObject Player in Players) { Player PS = Player.GetComponent(); Transform PT = Player.transform; Transform model = PT.Find("Model"); PS.dummies.Add(Instantiate(model, new Vector3(PT.position.x + minX, PT.position.y, PT.position.z), transform.rotation, PT).gameObject); PS.dummies.Add(Instantiate(model, new Vector3(PT.position.x + maxX, PT.position.y, PT.position.z), transform.rotation, PT).gameObject); PS.dummies.Add(Instantiate(model, new Vector3(PT.position.x, PT.position.y, PT.position.z + minZ), transform.rotation, PT).gameObject); PS.dummies.Add(Instantiate(model, new Vector3(PT.position.x, PT.position.y, PT.position.z + maxZ), transform.rotation, PT).gameObject); } } public void GenerateTiles() { float HalfSize = TileSize / 2; Vector3 startPoint = new Vector3(-(MapDimensions.x * HalfSize), 0.0f, -(MapDimensions.y * HalfSize)); for (int x = 0; x < MapDimensions.x; x++) { for (int z = 0; z < MapDimensions.y; z++) { int randIndex = Random.Range(0, Tiles.Length); float RandomRotation = Random.Range(0, 4) * 90; Vector3 position = startPoint + new Vector3(TileSize * x + HalfSize, 0.0f, TileSize * z + HalfSize); Debug.Log(position); GameObject Tile = Instantiate(Tiles[randIndex]); Tile.transform.position = position; Tile.transform.Rotate(Vector3.up, RandomRotation); = "Tile [" + x + "," + z + "]"; if (x == 0) { Vector3 newPos = position; newPos.x += TileSize * MapDimensions.x; GameObject MirrorTile = Instantiate(Tiles[randIndex]); MirrorTile.transform.position = newPos; MirrorTile.transform.Rotate(Vector3.up, RandomRotation); = + "(Mirror)"; } if (z == 0) { Vector3 newPos = position; newPos.z += TileSize * MapDimensions.y; GameObject MirrorTile = Instantiate(Tiles[randIndex]); MirrorTile.transform.position = newPos; MirrorTile.transform.Rotate(Vector3.up, RandomRotation); = + "(Mirror)"; } if (x == 0 && z == 0) { Vector3 newPos = position; newPos.x += TileSize * MapDimensions.x; newPos.z += TileSize * MapDimensions.y; GameObject MirrorTile = Instantiate(Tiles[randIndex]); MirrorTile.transform.position = newPos; MirrorTile.transform.Rotate(Vector3.up, RandomRotation); = + "(Mirror)"; } if (x == MapDimensions.x - 1) { Vector3 newPos = position; newPos.x -= TileSize * MapDimensions.x; GameObject MirrorTile = Instantiate(Tiles[randIndex]); MirrorTile.transform.position = newPos; MirrorTile.transform.Rotate(Vector3.up, RandomRotation); = + "(Mirror)"; } if (z == MapDimensions.y - 1) { Vector3 newPos = position; newPos.z -= TileSize * MapDimensions.y; GameObject MirrorTile = Instantiate(Tiles[randIndex]); MirrorTile.transform.position = newPos; MirrorTile.transform.Rotate(Vector3.up, RandomRotation); = + "(Mirror)"; } if (x == MapDimensions.x - 1 && z == MapDimensions.y - 1) { Vector3 newPos = position; newPos.x -= TileSize * MapDimensions.x; newPos.z -= TileSize * MapDimensions.y; GameObject MirrorTile = Instantiate(Tiles[randIndex]); MirrorTile.transform.position = newPos; MirrorTile.transform.Rotate(Vector3.up, RandomRotation); = + "(Mirror)"; } if (x == 0 && z == MapDimensions.y - 1) { Vector3 newPos = position; newPos.x += TileSize * MapDimensions.x; newPos.z -= TileSize * MapDimensions.y; GameObject MirrorTile = Instantiate(Tiles[randIndex]); MirrorTile.transform.position = newPos; MirrorTile.transform.Rotate(Vector3.up, RandomRotation); = + "(Mirror)"; } if (x == MapDimensions.x - 1 && z == 0) { Vector3 newPos = position; newPos.x -= TileSize * MapDimensions.x; newPos.z += TileSize * MapDimensions.y; GameObject MirrorTile = Instantiate(Tiles[randIndex]); MirrorTile.transform.position = newPos; MirrorTile.transform.Rotate(Vector3.up, RandomRotation); = + "(Mirror)"; } } } } //Populate the tile with landmarks void PopulateTile(Tile tile) { foreach (GameObject LP in tile.LandmarkPoints) { if (Landmarks.Count > 0) { int rand = Random.Range(0, Landmarks.Count); Instantiate(Landmarks[rand], LP.transform.position, Quaternion.identity, tile.transform.parent); } } } #endregion void Update() { Teleport(); } void Teleport() { Transform PT = LocalPlayer.transform; if (PT.position.x > maxX) { PT.position = new Vector3(minX, PT.position.y, PT.position.z); } else if (PT.position.x < minX) { PT.position = new Vector3(maxX, PT.position.y, PT.position.z); } if (PT.position.z > maxZ) { PT.position = new Vector3(PT.position.x, PT.position.y, minZ); } else if (PT.position.z < minZ) { PT.position = new Vector3(PT.position.x, PT.position.y, maxZ); } } } //EXTRA STUFF, PLEASE IGNORE /* * //IN UPDATE HandleCameraMovement(TopCam, true); HandleCameraMovement(BotCam, true); HandleCameraMovement(LeftCam, false); HandleCameraMovement(RightCam, false); HandleCamSizing(); */ /* /// /// /// /// The camera to move /// Do we move in the X axis or the Z? void HandleCameraMovement(Camera Cam, bool Xmove) { if (Xmove == true) { Cam.transform.position = new Vector3(LocalPlayer.transform.position.x, Cam.transform.position.y, Cam.transform.position.z); } else { Cam.transform.position = new Vector3(Cam.transform.position.x, Cam.transform.position.y, LocalPlayer.transform.position.z); } } void HandleCamSizing() { Transform PT = LocalPlayer.transform; if (PT.position.x > maxX - camWidth) { float dif = ((maxX - PT.position.x) / camWidth) / 2; SetCam(dif, 0, RightCam); } else if (PT.position.x < minX + camWidth) { float dif = ((minX - PT.position.x) / camWidth) / 2; SetCam(dif, 0, LeftCam); } else { SetCam(1, 1, RightCam); SetCam(1, 1, LeftCam); } if (PT.position.z > maxZ - camHeight) { float dif = ((maxZ - PT.position.z) / camHeight) / 2; SetCam(0, dif, TopCam); } else if (PT.position.x < + camHeight) { float dif = ((minZ - PT.position.z) / camHeight) / 2; SetCam(0, dif, BotCam); } else { SetCam(1, 1, RightCam); SetCam(1, 1, LeftCam); } } void SetCam(float x, float y, Camera cam) { cam.rect = new Rect(x, y, 1, 1); } */