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using System;
namespace BansheeGz.BGSpline.Curve
/// <summary>
/// Curve's change information. It's used only if Use curve.UseEventsArgs=true
/// Multiple- muliple changes
/// CurveTransform- curve transform changed
/// Points- point(s) was added or removed or swapped, or 'closed' attribute changed
/// Point - point position changed
/// PointControl - point's controls changed
/// PointControlType -point's control type changed
/// Fields -point's fields changed
/// </summary>
public class BGCurveChangedArgs : EventArgs, ICloneable
//reusable event instance
private static readonly BGCurveChangedArgs Instance = new BGCurveChangedArgs();
//all possible types of changes
public enum ChangeTypeEnum
//type of the change
private ChangeTypeEnum changeType;
//changed curve
private BGCurve curve;
//changed point
private BGCurvePointI point;
//event message
private string message;
//multiple changes
private BGCurveChangedArgs[] multipleChanges;
/// <summary>Type of the change </summary>
public ChangeTypeEnum ChangeType
get { return changeType; }
/// <summary>Changed curve</summary>
public BGCurve Curve
get { return curve; }
/// <summary>Change message</summary>
public string Message
get { return message; }
/// <summary>Multiple changes</summary>
public BGCurveChangedArgs[] MultipleChanges
get { return multipleChanges; }
public BGCurveChangedArgs(BGCurve curve, ChangeTypeEnum changeType)
this.curve = curve;
this.changeType = changeType;
public BGCurveChangedArgs(BGCurve curve, BGCurvePoint point, ChangeTypeEnum changeType) : this(curve, changeType)
this.point = point;
public BGCurveChangedArgs(BGCurve curve, BGCurveChangedArgs[] multipleChanges)
this.curve = curve;
changeType = ChangeTypeEnum.Multiple;
this.multipleChanges = multipleChanges;
private BGCurveChangedArgs()
/// <summary>Init and get event instance</summary>
public static BGCurveChangedArgs GetInstance(BGCurve curve, ChangeTypeEnum type, string message)
Instance.curve = curve;
Instance.changeType = type;
Instance.message = message;
Instance.multipleChanges = null;
Instance.point = null;
return Instance;
/// <summary>Init and get event instance</summary>
public static BGCurveChangedArgs GetInstance(BGCurve curve, BGCurveChangedArgs[] changes, string changesInTransaction)
Instance.curve = curve;
Instance.changeType = ChangeTypeEnum.Multiple;
Instance.message = BGCurve.EventTransaction;
Instance.multipleChanges = changes;
Instance.point = null;
return Instance;
/// <summary>Init and get event instance</summary>
public static BGCurveChangedArgs GetInstance(BGCurve curve, BGCurvePointI point, string changesInTransaction)
Instance.curve = curve;
Instance.changeType = ChangeTypeEnum.Point;
Instance.message = BGCurve.EventTransaction;
Instance.point = point;
return Instance;
/// <summary>Clone event</summary>
public object Clone()
return new BGCurveChangedArgs
changeType = changeType,
curve = curve,
multipleChanges = multipleChanges,
message = message,
point = point
protected bool Equals(BGCurveChangedArgs other)
return changeType == other.changeType && Equals(curve, other.curve) ;
public override bool Equals(object obj)
if (ReferenceEquals(null, obj)) return false;
if (ReferenceEquals(this, obj)) return true;
if (obj.GetType() != this.GetType()) return false;
return Equals((BGCurveChangedArgs) obj);
public override int GetHashCode()
var hashCode = (int) changeType;
hashCode = (hashCode*397) ^ (curve != null ? curve.GetHashCode() : 0);
return hashCode;
/// <summary>Before change event</summary>
public class BeforeChange : EventArgs
public static readonly BeforeChange BeforeChangeInstance = new BeforeChange();
public string Operation;
private BeforeChange()
public static BeforeChange GetInstance(string operation)
BeforeChangeInstance.Operation = operation;
return BeforeChangeInstance;