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using UnityEngine;
using BansheeGz.BGSpline.Components;
using BansheeGz.BGSpline.Curve;
namespace BansheeGz.BGSpline.Example
//for testing performance
//DO NOT USE Unity Handles (for curve's points) with this test class!
[RequireComponent(typeof (BGCcMath))]
public class BGTestPerformance : MonoBehaviour
public enum ControlTypeForNewPoints
//speed range for objects
private const float SpeedRange = 5f;
//transition period for points
private const int Period = 10;
[Tooltip("Object's prefab")] public GameObject ObjectToMove;
[Tooltip("Limits for points positions and transitions")] public Bounds Bounds = new Bounds(,;
[Tooltip("Number of points to spawn")] [Range(2, 2000)] public int PointsCount = 100;
[Tooltip("Number of objects to spawn")] [Range(1, 500)] public int ObjectsCount = 100;
[Tooltip("Control Type")] public ControlTypeForNewPoints ControlType;
private float startTime = -1000;
private BGCurve curve;
private BGCurveBaseMath math;
private Vector3[] oldPos;
private Vector3[] newPos;
private GameObject[] objects;
private float[] speed;
private float[] distances;
private float oldDistance;
//Unity callback
private void Start()
curve = GetComponent<BGCurve>();
var ccMath = GetComponent<BGCcMath>();
math = ccMath.Math;
curve = ccMath.Curve;
//init arrays
oldPos = new Vector3[PointsCount];
newPos = new Vector3[PointsCount];
speed = new float[ObjectsCount];
distances = new float[ObjectsCount];
objects = new GameObject[ObjectsCount];
//--------------------------- init from points
for (var i = 0; i < PointsCount; i++)
var controlTypeEnum = BGCurvePoint.ControlTypeEnum.BezierIndependant;
switch (ControlType)
case ControlTypeForNewPoints.Absent:
controlTypeEnum = BGCurvePoint.ControlTypeEnum.Absent;
case ControlTypeForNewPoints.Random:
controlTypeEnum = (BGCurvePoint.ControlTypeEnum) Random.Range(0, 3);
curve.AddPoint(new BGCurvePoint(curve, RandomVector(), controlTypeEnum, RandomVector(), RandomVector()));
//Recalculate manually after points were added (normally you would not do it)
//---------------------------- init objects
if (ObjectToMove != null)
var totalDistance = oldDistance = math.GetDistance();
for (var i = 0; i < ObjectsCount; i++)
var obj = Instantiate(ObjectToMove,, Quaternion.identity) as GameObject;
obj.transform.parent = transform;
objects[i] = obj;
distances[i] = Random.Range(0, totalDistance);
//--------------------------- init speed
for (var i = 0; i < ObjectsCount; i++)
speed[i] = Random.Range(0, 2) == 0 ? Random.Range(-SpeedRange, -SpeedRange*0.3f) : Random.Range(SpeedRange*0.3f, SpeedRange);
//Unity callback
private void Update()
//reset transitions
if (Time.time - startTime > Period)
startTime = Time.time;
for (var i = 0; i < PointsCount; i++)
oldPos[i] = newPos[i];
newPos[i] = RandomVector();
//move points
var ratio = (Time.time - startTime)/Period;
var points = curve.Points;
for (var i = 0; i < PointsCount; i++) points[i].PositionLocal = Vector3.Lerp(oldPos[i], newPos[i], ratio);
//move objects
var totalDistance = math.GetDistance();
if (ObjectToMove != null)
var remapRatio = totalDistance/oldDistance;
for (var i = 0; i < ObjectsCount; i++)
var distance = distances[i];
//since curve's length changed-remap
distance = distance*remapRatio;
distance = distance + speed[i]*Time.deltaTime;
if (distance < 0)
speed[i] = -speed[i];
distance = 0;
else if (distance > totalDistance)
speed[i] = -speed[i];
distance = totalDistance;
distances[i] = distance;
objects[i].transform.position = math.CalcByDistance(BGCurveBaseMath.Field.Position, distance);
oldDistance = totalDistance;
//misc utility methods
private Vector3 RandomVector()
return new Vector3(Range(0), Range(1), Range(2));
private float Range(int index)
return Random.Range(Bounds.min[index], Bounds.max[index]);