using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using DentedPixel; namespace DentedPixel.LTExamples{ public class TestingUnitTests : MonoBehaviour { public GameObject cube1; public GameObject cube2; public GameObject cube3; public GameObject cube4; public GameObject cubeAlpha1; public GameObject cubeAlpha2; private bool eventGameObjectWasCalled = false, eventGeneralWasCalled = false; private int lt1Id; private LTDescr lt2; private LTDescr lt3; private LTDescr lt4; private LTDescr[] groupTweens; private GameObject[] groupGOs; private int groupTweensCnt; private int rotateRepeat; private int rotateRepeatAngle; private GameObject boxNoCollider; private float timeElapsedNormalTimeScale; private float timeElapsedIgnoreTimeScale; void Awake(){ boxNoCollider = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Cube); Destroy( boxNoCollider.GetComponent( typeof(BoxCollider) ) as Component ); } void Start () { // Time.timeScale = 0.25f; LeanTest.timeout = 46f; LeanTest.expected = 56; LeanTween.init(15 + 1200); // add a listener LeanTween.addListener(cube1, 0, eventGameObjectCalled); LeanTest.expect(LeanTween.isTweening() == false, "NOTHING TWEEENING AT BEGINNING" ); LeanTest.expect(LeanTween.isTweening(cube1) == false, "OBJECT NOT TWEEENING AT BEGINNING" ); LeanTween.scaleX( cube4, 2f, 0f).setOnComplete( ()=>{ LeanTest.expect( cube4.transform.localScale.x == 2f, "TWEENED WITH ZERO TIME" ); }); // dispatch event that is received LeanTween.dispatchEvent(0); LeanTest.expect( eventGameObjectWasCalled, "EVENT GAMEOBJECT RECEIVED" ); // do not remove listener LeanTest.expect(LeanTween.removeListener(cube2, 0, eventGameObjectCalled)==false, "EVENT GAMEOBJECT NOT REMOVED" ); // remove listener LeanTest.expect(LeanTween.removeListener(cube1, 0, eventGameObjectCalled), "EVENT GAMEOBJECT REMOVED" ); // add a listener LeanTween.addListener(1, eventGeneralCalled); // dispatch event that is received LeanTween.dispatchEvent(1); LeanTest.expect( eventGeneralWasCalled, "EVENT ALL RECEIVED" ); // remove listener LeanTest.expect( LeanTween.removeListener( 1, eventGeneralCalled), "EVENT ALL REMOVED" ); lt1Id = LeanTween.move( cube1, new Vector3(3f,2f,0.5f), 1.1f ).id; LeanTween.move( cube2, new Vector3(-3f,-2f,-0.5f), 1.1f ); LeanTween.reset(); // Queue up a bunch of tweens, cancel some of them but expect the remainder to finish GameObject[] cubes = new GameObject[99]; int[] tweenIds = new int[cubes.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < cubes.Length; i++) { GameObject c = cubeNamed("cancel"+i); tweenIds[i] = LeanTween.moveX (c, 100f, 1f).id; cubes [i] = c; } int onCompleteCount = 0; LeanTween.delayedCall (cubes[0], 0.2f, () => { for (int i = 0; i < cubes.Length; i++) { if(i%3==0){ LeanTween.cancel( cubes [i] ); }else if(i%3==1){ LeanTween.cancel( tweenIds[i] ); }else if(i%3==2){ LTDescr descr = LeanTween.descr(tweenIds[i]); // Debug.Log("descr:"+descr); descr.setOnComplete( ()=>{ onCompleteCount++; // Debug.Log("onCompleteCount:"+onCompleteCount); if(onCompleteCount>=33){ LeanTest.expect(true, "CANCELS DO NOT EFFECT FINISHING" ); } }); } } }); Vector3[] splineArr = new Vector3[] {new Vector3(-1f,0f,0f), new Vector3(0f,0f,0f), new Vector3(4f,0f,0f), new Vector3(20f,0f,0f), new Vector3(30f,0f,0f)}; LTSpline cr = new LTSpline( splineArr ); cube4.transform, 0.5f ); LeanTest.expect( (Vector3.Distance( cube4.transform.position, new Vector3(10f,0f,0f) ) <= 0.7f), "SPLINE POSITIONING AT HALFWAY", "position is:"+cube4.transform.position+" but should be:(10f,0f,0f)"); LeanTween.color(cube4,, 0.01f); // Debug.Log("Point 2:"+cr.ratioAtPoint(splineArr[2])); // OnStart Speed Test for ignoreTimeScale vs normal timeScale GameObject cubeDest = cubeNamed("cubeDest"); Vector3 cubeDestEnd = new Vector3(100f,20f,0f); LeanTween.move( cubeDest, cubeDestEnd, 0.7f); GameObject cubeToTrans = cubeNamed("cubeToTrans"); LeanTween.move( cubeToTrans, cubeDest.transform, 1.2f).setEase( LeanTweenType.easeOutQuad ).setOnComplete( ()=>{ LeanTest.expect( cubeToTrans.transform.position == cubeDestEnd, "MOVE TO TRANSFORM WORKS"); }); GameObject cubeDestroy = cubeNamed("cubeDestroy"); LeanTween.moveX( cubeDestroy, 200f, 0.05f).setDelay(0.02f).setDestroyOnComplete(true); LeanTween.moveX( cubeDestroy, 200f, 0.1f).setDestroyOnComplete(true).setOnComplete( ()=>{ LeanTest.expect(true, "TWO DESTROY ON COMPLETE'S SUCCEED"); }); GameObject cubeSpline = cubeNamed("cubeSpline"); LeanTween.moveSpline(cubeSpline, new Vector3[]{new Vector3(0.5f,0f,0.5f),new Vector3(0.75f,0f,0.75f),new Vector3(1f,0f,1f),new Vector3(1f,0f,1f)}, 0.1f).setOnComplete( ()=>{ LeanTest.expect(Vector3.Distance(new Vector3(1f,0f,1f), cubeSpline.transform.position) < 0.01f, "SPLINE WITH TWO POINTS SUCCEEDS"); }); // This test works when it is positioned last in the test queue (probably worth fixing when you have time) GameObject jumpCube = cubeNamed("jumpTime"); jumpCube.transform.position = new Vector3(100f,0f,0f); jumpCube.transform.localScale *= 100f; int jumpTimeId = LeanTween.moveX( jumpCube, 200f, 1f).id; LeanTween.delayedCall(gameObject, 0.2f, ()=>{ LTDescr d = LeanTween.descr( jumpTimeId ); float beforeX = jumpCube.transform.position.x; d.setTime( 0.5f ); LeanTween.delayedCall( 0.0f, ()=>{ }).setOnStart( ()=>{ float diffAmt = 1f;// This variable is dependent on a good frame-rate because it evalutes at the next Update beforeX += Time.deltaTime * 100f * 2f; LeanTest.expect( Mathf.Abs( jumpCube.transform.position.x - beforeX ) < diffAmt , "CHANGING TIME DOESN'T JUMP AHEAD", "Difference:"+Mathf.Abs( jumpCube.transform.position.x - beforeX ) +" beforeX:"+beforeX+" now:"+jumpCube.transform.position.x+" dt:"+Time.deltaTime); }); }); // Tween with time of zero is needs to be set to it's final value GameObject zeroCube = cubeNamed("zeroCube"); LeanTween.moveX( zeroCube, 10f, 0f).setOnComplete( ()=>{ LeanTest.expect( zeroCube.transform.position.x == 10f, "ZERO TIME FINSHES CORRECTLY", "final x:"+ zeroCube.transform.position.x); }); // Scale, and OnStart GameObject cubeScale = cubeNamed("cubeScale"); LeanTween.scale(cubeScale, new Vector3(5f,5f,5f),0.01f).setOnStart(()=>{ LeanTest.expect( true, "ON START WAS CALLED"); }).setOnComplete(()=>{ LeanTest.expect( cubeScale.transform.localScale.z == 5f, "SCALE","expected scale z:"+5f+" returned:"+cubeScale.transform.localScale.z); }); // Rotate GameObject cubeRotate = cubeNamed("cubeRotate"); LeanTween.rotate(cubeRotate, new Vector3(0f,180f,0f),0.02f).setOnComplete(()=>{ LeanTest.expect( cubeRotate.transform.eulerAngles.y == 180f, "ROTATE","expected rotate y:"+180f+" returned:"+cubeRotate.transform.eulerAngles.y); }); // RotateAround GameObject cubeRotateA = cubeNamed("cubeRotateA"); LeanTween.rotateAround(cubeRotateA,Vector3.forward,90f,0.3f).setOnComplete(()=>{ LeanTest.expect( cubeRotateA.transform.eulerAngles.z==90f, "ROTATE AROUND","expected rotate z:"+90f+" returned:"+cubeRotateA.transform.eulerAngles.z); }); // RotateAround 360 GameObject cubeRotateB = cubeNamed("cubeRotateB"); cubeRotateB.transform.position = new Vector3(200f,10f,8f); LeanTween.rotateAround(cubeRotateB,Vector3.forward,360f,0.3f).setPoint(new Vector3(5f,3f,2f)).setOnComplete(()=>{ LeanTest.expect( cubeRotateB.transform.position.ToString()==(new Vector3(200f,10f,8f)).ToString(), "ROTATE AROUND 360","expected rotate pos:"+(new Vector3(200f,10f,8f))+" returned:"+cubeRotateB.transform.position); }); // Alpha, onUpdate with passing value, onComplete value LeanTween.alpha(cubeAlpha1,0.5f,0.1f).setOnUpdate( (float val)=>{ LeanTest.expect(val!=0f ,"ON UPDATE VAL"); }).setOnCompleteParam( "Hi!" ).setOnComplete( (object completeObj)=>{ LeanTest.expect(((string)completeObj)=="Hi!","ONCOMPLETE OBJECT"); LeanTest.expect(cubeAlpha1.GetComponent().material.color.a == 0.5f,"ALPHA"); }); // Color float onStartTime = -1f; LeanTween.color(cubeAlpha2, Color.cyan, 0.3f).setOnComplete( ()=>{ LeanTest.expect(cubeAlpha2.GetComponent().material.color==Color.cyan, "COLOR"); LeanTest.expect(onStartTime>=0f && onStartTime{ onStartTime = Time.time; }); // moveLocalY (make sure uses y values) Vector3 beforePos = cubeAlpha1.transform.position; LeanTween.moveY(cubeAlpha1, 3f, 0.2f).setOnComplete( ()=>{ LeanTest.expect(cubeAlpha1.transform.position.x==beforePos.x && cubeAlpha1.transform.position.z==beforePos.z,"MOVE Y"); }); Vector3 beforePos2 = cubeAlpha2.transform.localPosition; LeanTween.moveLocalZ(cubeAlpha2, 12f, 0.2f).setOnComplete( ()=>{ LeanTest.expect(cubeAlpha2.transform.localPosition.x==beforePos2.x && cubeAlpha2.transform.localPosition.y==beforePos2.y,"MOVE LOCAL Z","ax:"+cubeAlpha2.transform.localPosition.x+" bx:"+beforePos.x+" ay:"+cubeAlpha2.transform.localPosition.y+" by:"+beforePos2.y); }); AudioClip audioClip = LeanAudio.createAudio(new AnimationCurve( new Keyframe(0f, 1f, 0f, -1f), new Keyframe(1f, 0f, -1f, 0f)), new AnimationCurve( new Keyframe(0f, 0.001f, 0f, 0f), new Keyframe(1f, 0.001f, 0f, 0f)), LeanAudio.options()); LeanTween.delayedSound(gameObject, audioClip, new Vector3(0f,0f,0f), 0.1f).setDelay(0.2f).setOnComplete( ()=>{ LeanTest.expect(Time.time>0,"DELAYED SOUND"); }); // value2 bool value2UpdateCalled = false; LeanTween.value(gameObject, new Vector2(0, 0), new Vector2(256, 96), 0.1f).setOnUpdate((Vector2 value) => { value2UpdateCalled = true; }); LeanTween.delayedCall(0.2f, ()=>{ LeanTest.expect( value2UpdateCalled, "VALUE2 UPDATE"); } ); StartCoroutine( timeBasedTesting() ); } private GameObject cubeNamed( string name ){ GameObject cube = Instantiate( boxNoCollider ) as GameObject; = name; return cube; } IEnumerator timeBasedTesting(){ yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame(); GameObject cubeNormal = cubeNamed("normalTimeScale"); // float timeElapsedNormal = Time.time; LeanTween.moveX(cubeNormal, 12f, 1.5f).setIgnoreTimeScale( false ).setOnComplete( ()=>{ timeElapsedNormalTimeScale = Time.time; }); LTDescr[] descr = LeanTween.descriptions( cubeNormal ); LeanTest.expect( descr.Length >= 0 && descr[0].to.x == 12f, "WE CAN RETRIEVE A DESCRIPTION"); GameObject cubeIgnore = cubeNamed("ignoreTimeScale"); LeanTween.moveX(cubeIgnore, 5f, 1.5f).setIgnoreTimeScale( true ).setOnComplete( ()=>{ timeElapsedIgnoreTimeScale = Time.time; }); yield return new WaitForSeconds(1.5f); LeanTest.expect( Mathf.Abs( timeElapsedNormalTimeScale - timeElapsedIgnoreTimeScale ) < 0.7f, "START IGNORE TIMING", "timeElapsedIgnoreTimeScale:"+timeElapsedIgnoreTimeScale+" timeElapsedNormalTimeScale:"+timeElapsedNormalTimeScale ); // yield return new WaitForSeconds(100f); Time.timeScale = 4f; int pauseCount = 0; LeanTween.value( gameObject, 0f, 1f, 1f).setOnUpdate( ( float val )=>{ pauseCount++; }).pause(); // Bezier should end at exact end position not just 99% close to it Vector3[] roundCirc = new Vector3[]{ new Vector3(0f,0f,0f), new Vector3(-9.1f,25.1f,0f), new Vector3(-1.2f,15.9f,0f), new Vector3(-25f,25f,0f), new Vector3(-25f,25f,0f), new Vector3(-50.1f,15.9f,0f), new Vector3(-40.9f,25.1f,0f), new Vector3(-50f,0f,0f), new Vector3(-50f,0f,0f), new Vector3(-40.9f,-25.1f,0f), new Vector3(-50.1f,-15.9f,0f), new Vector3(-25f,-25f,0f), new Vector3(-25f,-25f,0f), new Vector3(0f,-15.9f,0f), new Vector3(-9.1f,-25.1f,0f), new Vector3(0f,0f,0f) }; GameObject cubeRound = cubeNamed("bRound"); Vector3 onStartPos = cubeRound.transform.position; LeanTween.moveLocal(cubeRound, roundCirc, 0.5f).setOnComplete( ()=>{ LeanTest.expect(cubeRound.transform.position==onStartPos, "BEZIER CLOSED LOOP SHOULD END AT START","onStartPos:"+onStartPos+" onEnd:"+cubeRound.transform.position); }); // Spline should end at exact end position not just 99% close to it Vector3[] roundSpline = new Vector3[]{ new Vector3(0f,0f,0f), new Vector3(0f,0f,0f), new Vector3(2f,0f,0f), new Vector3(0.9f,2f,0f), new Vector3(0f,0f,0f), new Vector3(0f,0f,0f) }; GameObject cubeSpline = cubeNamed("bSpline"); Vector3 onStartPosSpline = cubeSpline.transform.position; LeanTween.moveSplineLocal(cubeSpline, roundSpline, 0.5f).setOnComplete( ()=>{ LeanTest.expect(Vector3.Distance(onStartPosSpline, cubeSpline.transform.position) <= 0.01f, "SPLINE CLOSED LOOP SHOULD END AT START","onStartPos:"+onStartPosSpline+" onEnd:"+cubeSpline.transform.position+" dist:"+Vector3.Distance(onStartPosSpline, cubeSpline.transform.position)); }); // Groups of tweens testing groupTweens = new LTDescr[ 1200 ]; groupGOs = new GameObject[ groupTweens.Length ]; groupTweensCnt = 0; int descriptionMatchCount = 0; for(int i = 0; i < groupTweens.Length; i++){ GameObject cube = cubeNamed("c"+i); cube.transform.position = new Vector3(0,0,i*3); groupGOs[i] = cube; } yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame(); bool hasGroupTweensCheckStarted = false; int setOnStartNum = 0; int setPosNum = 0; bool setPosOnUpdate = true; for(int i = 0; i < groupTweens.Length; i++){ Vector3 finalPos = transform.position +*3f; Dictionary finalDict = new Dictionary{ {"final",finalPos}, {"go",groupGOs[i]} }; groupTweens[i] = LeanTween.move(groupGOs[i], finalPos, 3f ).setOnStart( ()=>{ setOnStartNum++; }).setOnUpdate( (Vector3 newPosition) => { if(transform.position.z > newPosition.z){ setPosOnUpdate = false; } // Debug.LogWarning("New Position: " + newPosition.ToString()); }). setOnCompleteParam( finalDict ). setOnComplete( (object param)=>{ Dictionary finalDictRetr = param as Dictionary; Vector3 neededPos = (Vector3)finalDictRetr["final"]; GameObject tweenedGo = finalDictRetr["go"] as GameObject; if(neededPos.ToString() == tweenedGo.transform.position.ToString()) setPosNum++; else{ // Debug.Log("neededPos:"+neededPos+" tweenedGo.transform.position:"+tweenedGo.transform.position); } if(hasGroupTweensCheckStarted==false){ hasGroupTweensCheckStarted = true; LeanTween.delayedCall(gameObject, 0.1f, ()=>{ LeanTest.expect( setOnStartNum == groupTweens.Length, "SETONSTART CALLS", "expected:"+groupTweens.Length+" was:"+setOnStartNum); LeanTest.expect( groupTweensCnt==groupTweens.Length, "GROUP FINISH", "expected "+groupTweens.Length+" tweens but got "+groupTweensCnt); LeanTest.expect( setPosNum==groupTweens.Length, "GROUP POSITION FINISH", "expected "+groupTweens.Length+" tweens but got "+setPosNum); LeanTest.expect( setPosOnUpdate, "GROUP POSITION ON UPDATE"); }); } groupTweensCnt++; }); if(LeanTween.description(groupTweens[i].id).trans==groupTweens[i].trans) descriptionMatchCount++; } while (LeanTween.tweensRunning{ LeanTest.expect( cube4!=null && previousXlt4!=cube4.transform.position.x, "RESUME OUT OF ORDER", "cube4:"+cube4+" previousXlt4:"+previousXlt4+" cube4.transform.position.x:"+(cube4!=null ? cube4.transform.position.x : 0)); }).setDestroyOnComplete( true ); lt4.resume(); rotateRepeat = rotateRepeatAngle = 0; LeanTween.rotateAround(cube3, Vector3.forward, 360f, 0.1f).setRepeat(3).setOnComplete(rotateRepeatFinished).setOnCompleteOnRepeat(true).setDestroyOnComplete(true); yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame(); LeanTween.delayedCall(0.1f*8f+1f, rotateRepeatAllFinished); int countBeforeCancel = LeanTween.tweensRunning; LeanTween.cancel( lt1Id ); LeanTest.expect( countBeforeCancel==LeanTween.tweensRunning, "CANCEL AFTER RESET SHOULD FAIL", "expected "+countBeforeCancel+" but got "+LeanTween.tweensRunning); LeanTween.cancel(cube2); int tweenCount = 0; for(int i = 0; i < groupTweens.Length; i++){ if(LeanTween.isTweening( groupGOs[i] )) tweenCount++; if(i%3==0) LeanTween.pause( groupGOs[i] ); else if(i%3==1) groupTweens[i].pause(); else LeanTween.pause( groupTweens[i].id ); } LeanTest.expect( tweenCount==groupTweens.Length, "GROUP ISTWEENING", "expected "+groupTweens.Length+" tweens but got "+tweenCount ); yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame(); tweenCount = 0; for(int i = 0; i < groupTweens.Length; i++){ if(i%3==0) LeanTween.resume( groupGOs[i] ); else if(i%3==1) groupTweens[i].resume(); else LeanTween.resume( groupTweens[i].id ); if(i%2==0 ? LeanTween.isTweening( groupTweens[i].id ) : LeanTween.isTweening( groupGOs[i] ) ) tweenCount++; } LeanTest.expect( tweenCount==groupTweens.Length, "GROUP RESUME" ); LeanTest.expect( LeanTween.isTweening(cube1)==false, "CANCEL TWEEN LTDESCR" ); LeanTest.expect( LeanTween.isTweening(cube2)==false, "CANCEL TWEEN LEANTWEEN" ); LeanTest.expect( pauseCount==0, "ON UPDATE NOT CALLED DURING PAUSE", "expect pause count of 0, but got "+pauseCount); yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame(); Time.timeScale = 0.25f; float tweenTime = 0.2f; float expectedTime = tweenTime * (1f/Time.timeScale); float start = Time.realtimeSinceStartup; bool onUpdateWasCalled = false; LeanTween.moveX(cube1, -5f, tweenTime).setOnUpdate( (float val)=>{ onUpdateWasCalled = true; }).setOnComplete( ()=>{ float end = Time.realtimeSinceStartup; float diff = end - start; LeanTest.expect( Mathf.Abs( expectedTime - diff) < 0.05f, "SCALED TIMING DIFFERENCE", "expected to complete in roughly "+expectedTime+" but completed in "+diff ); LeanTest.expect( Mathf.Approximately(cube1.transform.position.x, -5f), "SCALED ENDING POSITION", "expected to end at -5f, but it ended at "+cube1.transform.position.x); LeanTest.expect( onUpdateWasCalled, "ON UPDATE FIRED" ); }); bool didGetCorrectOnUpdate = false; LeanTween.value(gameObject, new Vector3(1f,1f,1f), new Vector3(10f,10f,10f), 1f).setOnUpdate( ( Vector3 val )=>{ didGetCorrectOnUpdate = val.x >= 1f && val.y >= 1f && val.z >= 1f; }).setOnComplete( ()=>{ LeanTest.expect( didGetCorrectOnUpdate, "VECTOR3 CALLBACK CALLED"); }); yield return new WaitForSeconds( expectedTime ); Time.timeScale = 1f; int ltCount = 0; GameObject[] allGos = FindObjectsOfType(typeof(GameObject)) as GameObject[]; foreach (GameObject go in allGos) { if( == "~LeanTween") ltCount++; } LeanTest.expect( ltCount==1, "RESET CORRECTLY CLEANS UP" ); lotsOfCancels(); } IEnumerator lotsOfCancels(){ yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame(); Time.timeScale = 4f; int cubeCount = 10; int[] tweensA = new int[ cubeCount ]; GameObject[] aGOs = new GameObject[ cubeCount ]; for(int i = 0; i < aGOs.Length; i++){ GameObject cube = Instantiate( boxNoCollider ) as GameObject; cube.transform.position = new Vector3(0,0,i*2f); = "a"+i; aGOs[i] = cube; tweensA[i] = LeanTween.move(cube, cube.transform.position + new Vector3(10f,0,0), 0.5f + 1f * (1.0f/(float)aGOs.Length) ).id; LeanTween.color(cube,, 0.01f); } yield return new WaitForSeconds(1.0f); int[] tweensB = new int[ cubeCount ]; GameObject[] bGOs = new GameObject[ cubeCount ]; for(int i = 0; i < bGOs.Length; i++){ GameObject cube = Instantiate( boxNoCollider ) as GameObject; cube.transform.position = new Vector3(0,0,i*2f); = "b"+i; bGOs[i] = cube; tweensB[i] = LeanTween.move(cube, cube.transform.position + new Vector3(10f,0,0), 2f).id; } for(int i = 0; i < aGOs.Length; i++){ LeanTween.cancel( aGOs[i] ); GameObject cube = aGOs[i]; tweensA[i] = LeanTween.move(cube, new Vector3(0,0,i*2f), 2f).id; } yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.5f); for(int i = 0; i < aGOs.Length; i++){ LeanTween.cancel( aGOs[i] ); GameObject cube = aGOs[i]; tweensA[i] = LeanTween.move(cube, new Vector3(0,0,i*2f) + new Vector3(10f,0,0), 2f ).id; } for(int i = 0; i < bGOs.Length; i++){ LeanTween.cancel( bGOs[i] ); GameObject cube = bGOs[i]; tweensB[i] = LeanTween.move(cube, new Vector3(0,0,i*2f), 2f ).id; } yield return new WaitForSeconds(2.1f); bool inFinalPlace = true; for(int i = 0; i < aGOs.Length; i++){ if(Vector3.Distance( aGOs[i].transform.position, new Vector3(0,0,i*2f) + new Vector3(10f,0,0) ) > 0.1f) inFinalPlace = false; } for(int i = 0; i < bGOs.Length; i++){ if(Vector3.Distance( bGOs[i].transform.position, new Vector3(0,0,i*2f) ) > 0.1f) inFinalPlace = false; } LeanTest.expect(inFinalPlace,"AFTER LOTS OF CANCELS"); } void rotateRepeatFinished(){ if( Mathf.Abs(cube3.transform.eulerAngles.z)<0.0001f ) rotateRepeatAngle++; rotateRepeat++; } void rotateRepeatAllFinished(){ LeanTest.expect( rotateRepeatAngle==3, "ROTATE AROUND MULTIPLE", "expected 3 times received "+rotateRepeatAngle+" times" ); LeanTest.expect( rotateRepeat==3, "ROTATE REPEAT", "expected 3 times received "+rotateRepeat+" times" ); LeanTest.expect( cube3==null, "DESTROY ON COMPLETE", "cube3:"+cube3 ); } void eventGameObjectCalled( LTEvent e ){ eventGameObjectWasCalled = true; } void eventGeneralCalled( LTEvent e ){ eventGeneralWasCalled = true; } } }