import DentedPixel; public var grumpy:Texture2D; public var beauty:Texture2D; private var w:float = Screen.width; private var h:float = Screen.height; private var buttonRect1:LTRect; private var buttonRect2:LTRect; private var buttonRect3:LTRect; private var buttonRect4:LTRect; private var grumpyRect:LTRect; private var beautyTileRect:LTRect; function Start () { w = Screen.width; h = Screen.height; buttonRect1 = new LTRect(0.10*w, 0.8*h, 0.25*w, 0.14*h ); buttonRect2 = new LTRect(1.2*w, 0.8*h, 0.2*w, 0.14*h ); buttonRect3 = new LTRect(0.35*w, 0.0*h, 0.3*w, 0.2*h ); buttonRect4 = new LTRect(0.0*w, 0.4*h, 0.3*w, 0.2*h, 1.0, 15.0 ); grumpyRect = new LTRect(0.5*w - grumpy.width/2.0, 0.5*h - grumpy.height/2.0, grumpy.width, grumpy.height ); beautyTileRect = new LTRect(0,0,1,1 ); LeanTween.move( buttonRect2, Vector2(0.55*w, buttonRect2.rect.y), 0.7f ).setEase(LeanTweenType.easeOutQuad); } function OnGUI(){ var staticRect:Rect = Rect(0.0*w, 0.0*h, 0.2*w, 0.14*h); if(GUI.Button( staticRect, "Move Cat")){ if(LeanTween.isTweening(grumpyRect)==false){ // Check to see if the cat is already tweening, so it doesn't freak out var orig:Vector2 = Vector2( grumpyRect.rect.x, grumpyRect.rect.y ); LeanTween.move( grumpyRect, Vector2( 1.0*w - grumpy.width, 0.0*h ), 1.0).setEase(LeanTweenType.easeOutBounce) ; LeanTween.move( grumpyRect, orig, 1.0 ).setEase(LeanTweenType.easeOutBounce).setDelay(1.0); } } GUI.DrawTexture( grumpyRect.rect, grumpy); if(GUI.Button(buttonRect1.rect, "Scale Centered")){ LeanTween.scale( buttonRect1, Vector2(buttonRect1.rect.width, buttonRect1.rect.height) * 1.2, 0.25 ).setEase(LeanTweenType.easeOutQuad); LeanTween.move( buttonRect1, Vector2(buttonRect1.rect.x-buttonRect1.rect.width*0.1, buttonRect1.rect.y-buttonRect1.rect.height*0.1), 0.25).setEase(LeanTweenType.easeOutQuad) ; } if(GUI.Button(buttonRect2.rect, "Scale")){ LeanTween.scale( buttonRect2, Vector2(buttonRect2.rect.width, buttonRect2.rect.height) * 1.2, 0.25 ).setEase(LeanTweenType.easeOutBounce); } staticRect = Rect(0.76*w, 0.53*h, 0.2*w, 0.14*h); if(GUI.Button( staticRect, "Flip Tile")){ LeanTween.move( beautyTileRect, Vector2( 0, beautyTileRect.rect.y + 1 ), 1.0 ).setEase(LeanTweenType.easeOutBounce); } GUI.DrawTextureWithTexCoords( Rect(0.8*w, 0.5*h - beauty.height/2.0, beauty.width*0.5, beauty.height*0.5 ), beauty, beautyTileRect.rect); if(GUI.Button(buttonRect3.rect, "Alpha")){ LeanTween.alpha( buttonRect3, 0.0, 1.0 ).setEase(LeanTweenType.easeOutQuad); LeanTween.alpha( buttonRect3, 1.0, 1.0 ).setEase(LeanTweenType.easeOutQuad).setDelay(1.0); } GUI.color.a = 1.0; // Reset to normal alpha, otherwise other gui elements will be effected if(GUI.Button(buttonRect4.rect, "Rotate")){ LeanTween.rotate( buttonRect4, 150.0, 1.0 ).setEase(LeanTweenType.easeOutElastic); LeanTween.rotate( buttonRect4, 0.0, 1.0 ).setEase(LeanTweenType.easeOutElastic).setDelay(1.0); } GUI.matrix = Matrix4x4.identity; // Reset to normal rotation, otherwise other gui elements will be effected }