diff --git a/playable/Assets/Materials/No Name.mat b/playable/Assets/Materials/No Name.mat index 39825b4..e86bcc1 100644 Binary files a/playable/Assets/Materials/No Name.mat and b/playable/Assets/Materials/No Name.mat differ diff --git a/playable/Assets/Objects/Countdown_1.fbx.meta b/playable/Assets/Objects/Countdown_1.fbx.meta index 40fb7a9..6c7167e 100644 --- a/playable/Assets/Objects/Countdown_1.fbx.meta +++ b/playable/Assets/Objects/Countdown_1.fbx.meta @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ fileFormatVersion: 2 -guid: e71ce3fe6de9e6c40857a4b99fa1a20c +guid: 8c350c922b7608343a1f4e553af7240e ModelImporter: serializedVersion: 16 fileIDToRecycleName: diff --git a/playable/Assets/Objects/Countdown_2.fbx.meta b/playable/Assets/Objects/Countdown_2.fbx.meta index 87f6580..c608769 100644 --- a/playable/Assets/Objects/Countdown_2.fbx.meta +++ b/playable/Assets/Objects/Countdown_2.fbx.meta @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ fileFormatVersion: 2 -guid: e7667dc4d1e6de84295b85848c746c5f +guid: c495b284dbc0b374fa69f355483dbec4 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//RootNode + 4300000: Text + 9500000: //RootNode + materials: + importMaterials: 1 + materialName: 0 + materialSearch: 1 + animations: + legacyGenerateAnimations: 4 + bakeSimulation: 0 + optimizeGameObjects: 0 + motionNodeName: + animationCompression: 1 + animationRotationError: .5 + animationPositionError: .5 + animationScaleError: .5 + animationWrapMode: 0 + extraExposedTransformPaths: [] + clipAnimations: [] + isReadable: 1 + meshes: + lODScreenPercentages: [] + globalScale: .00999999978 + meshCompression: 0 + addColliders: 0 + importBlendShapes: 1 + swapUVChannels: 0 + generateSecondaryUV: 0 + useFileUnits: 1 + optimizeMeshForGPU: 1 + weldVertices: 1 + secondaryUVAngleDistortion: 8 + secondaryUVAreaDistortion: 15.000001 + secondaryUVHardAngle: 88 + secondaryUVPackMargin: 4 + tangentSpace: + normalSmoothAngle: 60 + splitTangentsAcrossUV: 1 + normalImportMode: 0 + tangentImportMode: 1 + importAnimation: 1 + copyAvatar: 0 + humanDescription: + human: [] + skeleton: [] + armTwist: .5 + foreArmTwist: .5 + upperLegTwist: .5 + legTwist: .5 + armStretch: .0500000007 + legStretch: .0500000007 + feetSpacing: 0 + rootMotionBoneName: + lastHumanDescriptionAvatarSource: {instanceID: 0} + animationType: 2 + additionalBone: 0 + userData: diff --git a/playable/Assets/Objects/Countdown_SmackDown_Frac.fbx b/playable/Assets/Objects/Countdown_SmackDown_Frac.fbx new file mode 100644 index 0000000..047d100 Binary files /dev/null and b/playable/Assets/Objects/Countdown_SmackDown_Frac.fbx differ diff --git a/playable/Assets/Objects/Countdown_SmackDown_Frac.fbx.meta b/playable/Assets/Objects/Countdown_SmackDown_Frac.fbx.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f614294 --- /dev/null +++ b/playable/Assets/Objects/Countdown_SmackDown_Frac.fbx.meta @@ -0,0 +1,742 @@ +fileFormatVersion: 2 +guid: 57dbe5f868a6c8c4887769a2948d912d +ModelImporter: + serializedVersion: 16 + fileIDToRecycleName: + 100000: //RootNode + 100002: Text_cell + 100004: Text_cell.001 + 100006: Text_cell.002 + 100008: 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100092: Text_cell.046 + 100094: Text_cell.047 + 100096: Text_cell.048 + 100098: Text_cell.049 + 100100: Text_cell.050 + 100102: Text_cell.051 + 100104: Text_cell.052 + 100106: Text_cell.053 + 100108: Text_cell.054 + 100110: Text_cell.055 + 100112: Text_cell.056 + 100114: Text_cell.057 + 100116: Text_cell.058 + 100118: Text_cell.059 + 100120: Text_cell.060 + 100122: Text_cell.061 + 100124: Text_cell.062 + 100126: Text_cell.063 + 100128: Text_cell.064 + 100130: Text_cell.065 + 100132: Text_cell.066 + 100134: Text_cell.067 + 100136: Text_cell.068 + 100138: Text_cell.069 + 100140: Text_cell.070 + 100142: Text_cell.071 + 100144: Text_cell.072 + 100146: Text_cell.073 + 100148: Text_cell.074 + 100150: Text_cell.075 + 100152: Text_cell.076 + 100154: Text_cell.077 + 100156: Text_cell.078 + 100158: Text_cell.079 + 100160: Text_cell.080 + 100162: Text_cell.081 + 100164: Text_cell.082 + 100166: Text_cell.083 + 100168: Text_cell.084 + 100170: Text_cell.085 + 100172: Text_cell.086 + 100174: 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400066: Text_cell.033 + 400068: Text_cell.034 + 400070: Text_cell.035 + 400072: Text_cell.036 + 400074: Text_cell.037 + 400076: Text_cell.038 + 400078: Text_cell.039 + 400080: Text_cell.040 + 400082: Text_cell.041 + 400084: Text_cell.042 + 400086: Text_cell.043 + 400088: Text_cell.044 + 400090: Text_cell.045 + 400092: Text_cell.046 + 400094: Text_cell.047 + 400096: Text_cell.048 + 400098: Text_cell.049 + 400100: Text_cell.050 + 400102: Text_cell.051 + 400104: Text_cell.052 + 400106: Text_cell.053 + 400108: Text_cell.054 + 400110: Text_cell.055 + 400112: Text_cell.056 + 400114: Text_cell.057 + 400116: Text_cell.058 + 400118: Text_cell.059 + 400120: Text_cell.060 + 400122: Text_cell.061 + 400124: Text_cell.062 + 400126: Text_cell.063 + 400128: Text_cell.064 + 400130: Text_cell.065 + 400132: Text_cell.066 + 400134: Text_cell.067 + 400136: Text_cell.068 + 400138: Text_cell.069 + 400140: Text_cell.070 + 400142: Text_cell.071 + 400144: Text_cell.072 + 400146: Text_cell.073 + 400148: Text_cell.074 + 400150: Text_cell.075 + 400152: Text_cell.076 + 400154: Text_cell.077 + 400156: Text_cell.078 + 400158: Text_cell.079 + 400160: Text_cell.080 + 400162: Text_cell.081 + 400164: Text_cell.082 + 400166: Text_cell.083 + 400168: Text_cell.084 + 400170: Text_cell.085 + 400172: Text_cell.086 + 400174: Text_cell.087 + 400176: Text_cell.088 + 400178: Text_cell.089 + 400180: Text_cell.090 + 400182: Text_cell.091 + 400184: Text_cell.092 + 400186: Text_cell.093 + 400188: Text_cell.094 + 400190: Text_cell.095 + 400192: Text_cell.096 + 400194: Text_cell.097 + 400196: Text_cell.098 + 400198: Text_cell.099 + 400200: Text_cell.100 + 400202: Text_cell.101 + 400204: Text_cell.102 + 400206: Text_cell.103 + 400208: Text_cell.104 + 400210: Text_cell.105 + 400212: Text_cell.106 + 400214: Text_cell.107 + 400216: Text_cell.108 + 400218: Text_cell.109 + 400220: Text_cell.110 + 400222: Text_cell.111 + 400224: Text_cell.112 + 400226: Text_cell.113 + 400228: Text_cell.114 + 400230: Text_cell.115 + 400232: Text_cell.116 + 400234: Text_cell.117 + 400236: Text_cell.118 + 400238: Text_cell.119 + 400240: Text_cell.120 + 400242: Text_cell.121 + 400244: Text_cell.122 + 400246: Text_cell.123 + 400248: Text_cell.124 + 400250: Text_cell.125 + 400252: Text_cell.126 + 400254: Text_cell.127 + 400256: Text_cell.128 + 400258: Text_cell.129 + 400260: Text_cell.130 + 400262: Text_cell.131 + 400264: Text_cell.132 + 400266: Text_cell.133 + 400268: Text_cell.134 + 400270: Text_cell.135 + 400272: Text_cell.136 + 400274: Text_cell.137 + 2300000: Text_cell + 2300002: Text_cell.001 + 2300004: Text_cell.002 + 2300006: Text_cell.003 + 2300008: Text_cell.004 + 2300010: Text_cell.005 + 2300012: Text_cell.007 + 2300014: Text_cell.008 + 2300016: Text_cell.009 + 2300018: Text_cell.010 + 2300020: Text_cell.011 + 2300022: Text_cell.012 + 2300024: Text_cell.013 + 2300026: Text_cell.014 + 2300028: Text_cell.015 + 2300030: Text_cell.016 + 2300032: Text_cell.017 + 2300034: Text_cell.018 + 2300036: Text_cell.019 + 2300038: Text_cell.020 + 2300040: Text_cell.021 + 2300042: Text_cell.022 + 2300044: Text_cell.023 + 2300046: Text_cell.024 + 2300048: Text_cell.025 + 2300050: Text_cell.026 + 2300052: Text_cell.027 + 2300054: Text_cell.028 + 2300056: Text_cell.029 + 2300058: Text_cell.030 + 2300060: Text_cell.031 + 2300062: Text_cell.032 + 2300064: Text_cell.033 + 2300066: Text_cell.034 + 2300068: Text_cell.035 + 2300070: Text_cell.036 + 2300072: Text_cell.037 + 2300074: Text_cell.038 + 2300076: Text_cell.039 + 2300078: Text_cell.040 + 2300080: Text_cell.041 + 2300082: Text_cell.042 + 2300084: Text_cell.043 + 2300086: Text_cell.044 + 2300088: Text_cell.045 + 2300090: Text_cell.046 + 2300092: Text_cell.047 + 2300094: Text_cell.048 + 2300096: Text_cell.049 + 2300098: Text_cell.050 + 2300100: Text_cell.051 + 2300102: Text_cell.052 + 2300104: Text_cell.053 + 2300106: Text_cell.054 + 2300108: Text_cell.055 + 2300110: Text_cell.056 + 2300112: Text_cell.057 + 2300114: Text_cell.058 + 2300116: Text_cell.059 + 2300118: Text_cell.060 + 2300120: Text_cell.061 + 2300122: Text_cell.062 + 2300124: Text_cell.063 + 2300126: Text_cell.064 + 2300128: Text_cell.065 + 2300130: Text_cell.066 + 2300132: Text_cell.067 + 2300134: Text_cell.068 + 2300136: Text_cell.069 + 2300138: Text_cell.070 + 2300140: Text_cell.071 + 2300142: Text_cell.072 + 2300144: Text_cell.073 + 2300146: Text_cell.074 + 2300148: Text_cell.075 + 2300150: Text_cell.076 + 2300152: Text_cell.077 + 2300154: Text_cell.078 + 2300156: Text_cell.079 + 2300158: Text_cell.080 + 2300160: Text_cell.081 + 2300162: Text_cell.082 + 2300164: Text_cell.083 + 2300166: Text_cell.084 + 2300168: Text_cell.085 + 2300170: Text_cell.086 + 2300172: Text_cell.087 + 2300174: Text_cell.088 + 2300176: Text_cell.089 + 2300178: Text_cell.090 + 2300180: Text_cell.091 + 2300182: Text_cell.092 + 2300184: Text_cell.093 + 2300186: Text_cell.094 + 2300188: Text_cell.095 + 2300190: Text_cell.096 + 2300192: Text_cell.097 + 2300194: Text_cell.098 + 2300196: Text_cell.099 + 2300198: Text_cell.100 + 2300200: Text_cell.101 + 2300202: Text_cell.102 + 2300204: Text_cell.103 + 2300206: Text_cell.104 + 2300208: Text_cell.105 + 2300210: Text_cell.106 + 2300212: Text_cell.107 + 2300214: Text_cell.108 + 2300216: Text_cell.109 + 2300218: Text_cell.110 + 2300220: Text_cell.111 + 2300222: Text_cell.112 + 2300224: Text_cell.113 + 2300226: Text_cell.114 + 2300228: Text_cell.115 + 2300230: Text_cell.116 + 2300232: Text_cell.117 + 2300234: Text_cell.118 + 2300236: Text_cell.119 + 2300238: Text_cell.120 + 2300240: Text_cell.121 + 2300242: Text_cell.122 + 2300244: Text_cell.123 + 2300246: Text_cell.124 + 2300248: Text_cell.125 + 2300250: Text_cell.126 + 2300252: Text_cell.127 + 2300254: Text_cell.128 + 2300256: Text_cell.129 + 2300258: Text_cell.130 + 2300260: Text_cell.131 + 2300262: Text_cell.132 + 2300264: Text_cell.133 + 2300266: Text_cell.134 + 2300268: Text_cell.135 + 2300270: Text_cell.136 + 2300272: Text_cell.137 + 3300000: Text_cell + 3300002: Text_cell.001 + 3300004: Text_cell.002 + 3300006: Text_cell.003 + 3300008: Text_cell.004 + 3300010: Text_cell.005 + 3300012: Text_cell.007 + 3300014: Text_cell.008 + 3300016: Text_cell.009 + 3300018: Text_cell.010 + 3300020: Text_cell.011 + 3300022: Text_cell.012 + 3300024: Text_cell.013 + 3300026: Text_cell.014 + 3300028: Text_cell.015 + 3300030: Text_cell.016 + 3300032: Text_cell.017 + 3300034: Text_cell.018 + 3300036: Text_cell.019 + 3300038: Text_cell.020 + 3300040: Text_cell.021 + 3300042: Text_cell.022 + 3300044: Text_cell.023 + 3300046: Text_cell.024 + 3300048: Text_cell.025 + 3300050: Text_cell.026 + 3300052: Text_cell.027 + 3300054: Text_cell.028 + 3300056: Text_cell.029 + 3300058: Text_cell.030 + 3300060: Text_cell.031 + 3300062: Text_cell.032 + 3300064: Text_cell.033 + 3300066: Text_cell.034 + 3300068: Text_cell.035 + 3300070: Text_cell.036 + 3300072: Text_cell.037 + 3300074: Text_cell.038 + 3300076: Text_cell.039 + 3300078: Text_cell.040 + 3300080: Text_cell.041 + 3300082: Text_cell.042 + 3300084: Text_cell.043 + 3300086: Text_cell.044 + 3300088: Text_cell.045 + 3300090: Text_cell.046 + 3300092: Text_cell.047 + 3300094: Text_cell.048 + 3300096: Text_cell.049 + 3300098: Text_cell.050 + 3300100: Text_cell.051 + 3300102: Text_cell.052 + 3300104: Text_cell.053 + 3300106: Text_cell.054 + 3300108: Text_cell.055 + 3300110: Text_cell.056 + 3300112: Text_cell.057 + 3300114: Text_cell.058 + 3300116: Text_cell.059 + 3300118: Text_cell.060 + 3300120: Text_cell.061 + 3300122: Text_cell.062 + 3300124: Text_cell.063 + 3300126: Text_cell.064 + 3300128: Text_cell.065 + 3300130: Text_cell.066 + 3300132: Text_cell.067 + 3300134: Text_cell.068 + 3300136: Text_cell.069 + 3300138: Text_cell.070 + 3300140: Text_cell.071 + 3300142: Text_cell.072 + 3300144: Text_cell.073 + 3300146: Text_cell.074 + 3300148: Text_cell.075 + 3300150: Text_cell.076 + 3300152: Text_cell.077 + 3300154: Text_cell.078 + 3300156: Text_cell.079 + 3300158: Text_cell.080 + 3300160: Text_cell.081 + 3300162: Text_cell.082 + 3300164: Text_cell.083 + 3300166: Text_cell.084 + 3300168: Text_cell.085 + 3300170: Text_cell.086 + 3300172: Text_cell.087 + 3300174: Text_cell.088 + 3300176: Text_cell.089 + 3300178: Text_cell.090 + 3300180: Text_cell.091 + 3300182: Text_cell.092 + 3300184: Text_cell.093 + 3300186: Text_cell.094 + 3300188: Text_cell.095 + 3300190: Text_cell.096 + 3300192: Text_cell.097 + 3300194: Text_cell.098 + 3300196: Text_cell.099 + 3300198: Text_cell.100 + 3300200: Text_cell.101 + 3300202: Text_cell.102 + 3300204: Text_cell.103 + 3300206: Text_cell.104 + 3300208: Text_cell.105 + 3300210: Text_cell.106 + 3300212: Text_cell.107 + 3300214: Text_cell.108 + 3300216: Text_cell.109 + 3300218: Text_cell.110 + 3300220: Text_cell.111 + 3300222: Text_cell.112 + 3300224: Text_cell.113 + 3300226: Text_cell.114 + 3300228: Text_cell.115 + 3300230: Text_cell.116 + 3300232: Text_cell.117 + 3300234: Text_cell.118 + 3300236: Text_cell.119 + 3300238: Text_cell.120 + 3300240: Text_cell.121 + 3300242: Text_cell.122 + 3300244: Text_cell.123 + 3300246: Text_cell.124 + 3300248: Text_cell.125 + 3300250: Text_cell.126 + 3300252: Text_cell.127 + 3300254: Text_cell.128 + 3300256: Text_cell.129 + 3300258: Text_cell.130 + 3300260: Text_cell.131 + 3300262: Text_cell.132 + 3300264: Text_cell.133 + 3300266: Text_cell.134 + 3300268: Text_cell.135 + 3300270: Text_cell.136 + 3300272: Text_cell.137 + 4300000: Text_cell.137 + 4300002: Text_cell.136 + 4300004: Text_cell.135 + 4300006: Text_cell.134 + 4300008: Text_cell.133 + 4300010: Text_cell.132 + 4300012: Text_cell.131 + 4300014: Text_cell.130 + 4300016: Text_cell.129 + 4300018: Text_cell.128 + 4300020: Text_cell.127 + 4300022: Text_cell.126 + 4300024: Text_cell.125 + 4300026: Text_cell.124 + 4300028: Text_cell.123 + 4300030: Text_cell.122 + 4300032: Text_cell.121 + 4300034: Text_cell.120 + 4300036: Text_cell.119 + 4300038: Text_cell.118 + 4300040: Text_cell.117 + 4300042: Text_cell.116 + 4300044: Text_cell.115 + 4300046: Text_cell.114 + 4300048: Text_cell.113 + 4300050: Text_cell.112 + 4300052: Text_cell.111 + 4300054: Text_cell.110 + 4300056: Text_cell.109 + 4300058: Text_cell.108 + 4300060: Text_cell.107 + 4300062: Text_cell.106 + 4300064: Text_cell.105 + 4300068: Text_cell.103 + 4300070: Text_cell.102 + 4300072: Text_cell.101 + 4300074: Text_cell.100 + 4300076: Text_cell.099 + 4300078: Text_cell.098 + 4300080: Text_cell.097 + 4300082: Text_cell.096 + 4300084: Text_cell.095 + 4300086: Text_cell.094 + 4300088: Text_cell.093 + 4300090: Text_cell.092 + 4300092: Text_cell.091 + 4300094: Text_cell.090 + 4300096: Text_cell.089 + 4300098: Text_cell.088 + 4300100: Text_cell.087 + 4300102: Text_cell.086 + 4300104: Text_cell.085 + 4300106: Text_cell.084 + 4300108: Text_cell.083 + 4300110: Text_cell.082 + 4300112: Text_cell.081 + 4300114: Text_cell.080 + 4300116: Text_cell.079 + 4300118: Text_cell.078 + 4300120: Text_cell.077 + 4300122: Text_cell.076 + 4300124: Text_cell.075 + 4300126: Text_cell.074 + 4300130: Text_cell.072 + 4300132: Text_cell.071 + 4300134: Text_cell.070 + 4300136: Text_cell.069 + 4300138: Text_cell.068 + 4300140: Text_cell.067 + 4300142: Text_cell.066 + 4300144: Text_cell.065 + 4300146: Text_cell.064 + 4300148: Text_cell.063 + 4300150: Text_cell.062 + 4300152: Text_cell.061 + 4300154: Text_cell.060 + 4300156: Text_cell.059 + 4300158: Text_cell.058 + 4300160: Text_cell.057 + 4300162: Text_cell.056 + 4300164: Text_cell.055 + 4300166: Text_cell.054 + 4300168: Text_cell.053 + 4300170: Text_cell.052 + 4300172: Text_cell.051 + 4300178: Text_cell.048 + 4300180: Text_cell.047 + 4300182: Text_cell.046 + 4300184: Text_cell.045 + 4300186: Text_cell.044 + 4300188: Text_cell.043 + 4300190: Text_cell.042 + 4300192: Text_cell.041 + 4300194: Text_cell.040 + 4300196: Text_cell.039 + 4300198: Text_cell.038 + 4300200: Text_cell.037 + 4300202: Text_cell.036 + 4300204: Text_cell.035 + 4300206: Text_cell.034 + 4300208: Text_cell.033 + 4300210: Text_cell.032 + 4300212: Text_cell.031 + 4300214: Text_cell.030 + 4300216: Text_cell.029 + 4300218: Text_cell.028 + 4300220: Text_cell.027 + 4300222: Text_cell.026 + 4300224: Text_cell.025 + 4300226: Text_cell.024 + 4300228: Text_cell.023 + 4300230: Text_cell.022 + 4300232: Text_cell.021 + 4300234: Text_cell.020 + 4300236: Text_cell.019 + 4300238: Text_cell.018 + 4300240: Text_cell.017 + 4300242: Text_cell.016 + 4300244: Text_cell.015 + 4300246: Text_cell.014 + 4300248: Text_cell.013 + 4300252: Text_cell.011 + 4300254: Text_cell.010 + 4300256: Text_cell.009 + 4300258: Text_cell.008 + 4300260: Text_cell.007 + 4300262: Text_cell.005 + 4300264: Text_cell.004 + 4300266: Text_cell.003 + 4300268: Text_cell.002 + 4300270: Text_cell.001 + 4300272: Text_cell + 9500000: //RootNode + materials: + importMaterials: 1 + materialName: 0 + materialSearch: 1 + animations: + legacyGenerateAnimations: 4 + bakeSimulation: 0 + optimizeGameObjects: 0 + motionNodeName: + animationCompression: 1 + animationRotationError: .5 + animationPositionError: .5 + animationScaleError: .5 + animationWrapMode: 0 + extraExposedTransformPaths: [] + clipAnimations: [] + isReadable: 1 + meshes: + lODScreenPercentages: [] + globalScale: .00999999978 + meshCompression: 0 + addColliders: 0 + importBlendShapes: 1 + swapUVChannels: 0 + generateSecondaryUV: 0 + useFileUnits: 1 + optimizeMeshForGPU: 1 + weldVertices: 1 + secondaryUVAngleDistortion: 8 + secondaryUVAreaDistortion: 15.000001 + secondaryUVHardAngle: 88 + secondaryUVPackMargin: 4 + tangentSpace: + normalSmoothAngle: 60 + splitTangentsAcrossUV: 1 + normalImportMode: 0 + tangentImportMode: 1 + importAnimation: 1 + copyAvatar: 0 + humanDescription: + human: [] + skeleton: [] + armTwist: .5 + foreArmTwist: .5 + upperLegTwist: .5 + legTwist: .5 + armStretch: .0500000007 + legStretch: .0500000007 + feetSpacing: 0 + rootMotionBoneName: + lastHumanDescriptionAvatarSource: {instanceID: 0} + animationType: 2 + additionalBone: 0 + userData: diff --git a/playable/Assets/Prefabs/Canvas.prefab b/playable/Assets/Prefabs/Canvas.prefab new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3054e31 Binary files /dev/null and b/playable/Assets/Prefabs/Canvas.prefab differ diff --git a/playable/Assets/Prefabs/Canvas.prefab.meta b/playable/Assets/Prefabs/Canvas.prefab.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1d9851c --- /dev/null +++ b/playable/Assets/Prefabs/Canvas.prefab.meta @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +fileFormatVersion: 2 +guid: ea73c716bda774f4bb756900c863c6cb +NativeFormatImporter: + userData: diff --git a/playable/Assets/Prefabs/Image.prefab b/playable/Assets/Prefabs/Image.prefab new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ea43172 Binary files /dev/null and b/playable/Assets/Prefabs/Image.prefab differ diff --git a/playable/Assets/Prefabs/Image.prefab.meta b/playable/Assets/Prefabs/Image.prefab.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f1a333b --- /dev/null +++ b/playable/Assets/Prefabs/Image.prefab.meta @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +fileFormatVersion: 2 +guid: cad3f5852e4bb654cb9045e32924dc5c +NativeFormatImporter: + userData: diff --git a/playable/Assets/Scenes/Level1.unity b/playable/Assets/Scenes/Level1.unity index 280014b..59cf0ff 100644 Binary files a/playable/Assets/Scenes/Level1.unity and b/playable/Assets/Scenes/Level1.unity differ diff --git a/playable/Assets/Scenes/Level2.unity b/playable/Assets/Scenes/Level2.unity index 2c4a596..b97050d 100644 Binary files a/playable/Assets/Scenes/Level2.unity and b/playable/Assets/Scenes/Level2.unity differ diff --git a/playable/Assets/Scripts/CDscript.cs b/playable/Assets/Scripts/CDscript.cs index f70f52e..2139cf3 100644 --- a/playable/Assets/Scripts/CDscript.cs +++ b/playable/Assets/Scripts/CDscript.cs @@ -5,7 +5,12 @@ public class CDscript : MonoBehaviour { public bool pause = true; public float startCount = 5.0f; - + public GameObject num1; + public GameObject num2; + public GameObject num3; + public GameObject num4; + public GameObject num5; + //public GameObject shat; // Use this for initialization void Start () { pause = true; @@ -18,22 +23,54 @@ public class CDscript : MonoBehaviour { Time.timeScale = 0; Debug.Log ("cd"); } - /*if (startCount >=4.0f && <4.9f){ - + if (startCount > 0) { + //shat.SetActive (false); } - if (startCount >=3.0f && <3.9f){ - + if (startCount >=4.0f && startCount <= 4.9f){ + num5.SetActive(true); + num4.SetActive(false); + num3.SetActive(false); + num2.SetActive(false); + num1.SetActive(false); } - if (startCount >=2.0f && <2.9f){ - + if (startCount >=3.0f && startCount <= 3.9f){ + num5.SetActive(false); + num4.SetActive(true); + num3.SetActive(false); + num2.SetActive(false); + num1.SetActive(false); } - if (startCount >=1.0f && <1.9f){ - + if (startCount >=2.0f && startCount <= 2.9f){ + num5.SetActive(false); + num4.SetActive(false); + num3.SetActive(true); + num2.SetActive(false); + num1.SetActive(false); } - if (startCount >=0.0f && <0.9f){ - - }*/ + if (startCount >=1.0f && startCount <= 1.9f){ + num5.SetActive(false); + num4.SetActive(false); + num3.SetActive(false); + num2.SetActive(true); + num1.SetActive(false); + } + if (startCount >=0.0f && startCount <= 0.9f){ + num5.SetActive(false); + num4.SetActive(false); + num3.SetActive(false); + num2.SetActive(false); + num1.SetActive(true); + + } + if (startCount <=0){ + num5.SetActive(false); + num4.SetActive(false); + num3.SetActive(false); + num2.SetActive(false); + num1.SetActive(false); + //shat.SetActive(true); + pause = false; Time.timeScale = 1; startCount = startCount + 5.0f; diff --git a/playable/Assets/Scripts/flameColor.cs b/playable/Assets/Scripts/flameColor.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..eb8455a --- /dev/null +++ b/playable/Assets/Scripts/flameColor.cs @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ +using UnityEngine; +using System.Collections; + +public class flameColor : MonoBehaviour { + public playerController player1; + public playerController player2; + public playerController player3; + public playerController player4; + private int playerLeader; + private int topscore; + + // Use this for initialization + void Start () { + + } + + // Update is called once per frame + void Update () { + playerLeader = 1; + topscore = player1.score; + + if (player2.score > topscore) { + playerLeader = 2; + topscore = player2.score; + } + if (player3.score > topscore) { + playerLeader = 3; + topscore = player3.score; + } + if (player4.score > topscore) { + playerLeader = 4; + topscore = player4.score; + } + + + if (playerLeader == 1){ + gameObject.GetComponent().startColor = new Color(0, 255, 255); + } + if (playerLeader == 2){ + gameObject.GetComponent().startColor = new Color(255, 255, 0); + } + if (playerLeader == 3){ + gameObject.GetComponent().startColor = new Color(255, 0, 255); + } + if (playerLeader == 4){ + gameObject.GetComponent().startColor = new Color(0, 255, 0); + } + } + + +} diff --git a/playable/Assets/Scripts/flameColor.cs.meta b/playable/Assets/Scripts/flameColor.cs.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1fbd6dc --- /dev/null +++ b/playable/Assets/Scripts/flameColor.cs.meta @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +fileFormatVersion: 2 +guid: 735b9b50a67deaf459049f02587c52ed +MonoImporter: + serializedVersion: 2 + defaultReferences: [] + executionOrder: 0 + icon: {instanceID: 0} + userData: diff --git a/playable/Assets/Scripts/menuContrller.cs b/playable/Assets/Scripts/menuContrller.cs index 805dd1e..2f0b68f 100644 --- a/playable/Assets/Scripts/menuContrller.cs +++ b/playable/Assets/Scripts/menuContrller.cs @@ -25,7 +25,6 @@ public class menuContrller : MonoBehaviour { // Update is called once per frame void Update () { - } public void panelSelect (string panel){ diff --git a/playable/Assets/Scripts/playerController.cs b/playable/Assets/Scripts/playerController.cs index cd3c353..7f6d107 100644 --- a/playable/Assets/Scripts/playerController.cs +++ b/playable/Assets/Scripts/playerController.cs @@ -15,11 +15,15 @@ public class playerController : MonoBehaviour { public GameObject newConfetti; //confetti when hit public GameObject newCandy; public stickController stick; //controller for stick - public GUIText scoreDisplay; + public GameObject scoreDisplay; public GUIText gameOverDisplay; public GameObject dashDisplay; public GameObject playerFrac; - + public GameObject[] hearts; + //public GameObject heart2; + //public GameObject heart3; + + public float runSpeed; //run speed public float jumpHeight; //jump height public float health; //holds health @@ -37,6 +41,7 @@ public class playerController : MonoBehaviour { public bool dead = false; public float heartTimer = 0.0f; public int maxScore = 10; + public bool debugHeartUpdate = false; @@ -45,11 +50,11 @@ public class playerController : MonoBehaviour { private float curDirection = -1; //direction player is pointing private bool canJump = true; // if player can jump private bool canSpin = true; // if player can spin - private List hearts = new List (); //list which holds health sprites; + //private List hearts = new List (); //list which holds health sprites; private bool isSpinning = false; //checks if player is spin attacking private float lastHit; private float lastAttack; - private int score; + public int score; private bool isDashing =false; private bool canDash = true; private float lastDash = 0.0f; @@ -144,37 +149,23 @@ public class playerController : MonoBehaviour { private void displayHealth(){ - if (displayedHealth != health) //check if health needs updating + if (displayedHealth != health || debugHeartUpdate) //check if health needs updating updateHealth = true; if (updateHealth){ - foreach (GameObject desHeart in hearts) //Destroy all heart sprites - GameObject.Destroy (desHeart); - hearts.Clear(); //sets list to zero + foreach (GameObject heart in hearts) //Destroy all heart sprites + heart.SetActive(false); //sets list to zero - for (int i=1; i<= health; i++) { //creates new heart sprite for each health - GameObject heartCanister = Instantiate (heart) as GameObject; //creat heart sprite - Vector3 heartPos = new Vector3 (); - - //set position - if (healthPos.x == 1) - heartPos.x = (i * 0.033f); - else - heartPos.x = 1-(i * 0.033f); + for (int i=0; i< health; i++) { //creates new heart sprite for each health + hearts[i].SetActive(true); - if (healthPos.y == 1) - heartPos.y = 0.95f; - else - heartPos.y = 0.05f; - - heartCanister.transform.position = heartPos; - hearts.Add(heartCanister); //adds heart to list if (heartBlack == true && heartColor == false){ - heartCanister.guiTexture.color = Color.black; - - //else (heartCanister.guiTexture.color = Color.red); + //heartCanister.guiTexture.color = Color.black; + hearts[i].GetComponent().color = Color.black; } + + else hearts[i].GetComponent().color = Color.red; }//end for displayedHealth = health; @@ -360,7 +351,7 @@ public class playerController : MonoBehaviour { { Destroy (trig.gameObject, 0.0f); score++; - scoreDisplay.text = "score: " + score.ToString (); + scoreDisplay.GetComponent().text = "score: " + score.ToString (); } } diff --git a/playable/Assets/Scripts/playerId.cs b/playable/Assets/Scripts/playerId.cs index 1fb10cd..807676d 100644 --- a/playable/Assets/Scripts/playerId.cs +++ b/playable/Assets/Scripts/playerId.cs @@ -2,8 +2,11 @@ using System.Collections; public class playerId : MonoBehaviour { - public bool idVanish = true; - + public bool idVanish = false; + public GameObject p1; + public GameObject p2; + public GameObject p3; + public GameObject p4; // Use this for initialization void Start () { @@ -15,17 +18,23 @@ public class playerId : MonoBehaviour { transform.eulerAngles = new Vector3 (transform.eulerAngles.x, 180, transform.eulerAngles.z); + if (Input.GetKeyDown (KeyCode.Backspace)) { idVanish = true; if (idVanish) { - transform.position = new Vector3 (transform.position.x, -100, transform.position.z); - idVanish = false; - Debug.Log ("player ID true"); + p1.gameObject.SetActive (false); + p2.gameObject.SetActive (false); + p3.SetActive (false); + p4.SetActive (false); + Debug.Log ("player ID false"); } } - if (Input.GetKeyDown (KeyCode.Backspace) && idVanish == false) { - transform.position = new Vector3 (transform.position.x, 100, transform.position.z); - idVanish = true; + if (Input.GetKeyDown (KeyCode.Backspace) && idVanish == true) { + p1.SetActive (true); + p2.SetActive (true); + p3.SetActive (true); + p4.SetActive (true); + idVanish = false; }