using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using Networking.Server; using TMPro; using UnityEngine.UI; [CreateAssetMenu(menuName = "Major Project/GameModes/Color Collide", order = 201)] public class ColorGameMode : GameMode { public int MaxRound = 5; public string nextScene = "ServerTestScene"; List ConnectedClients; public Material OverlayMaterial; public int RoundCount { get; private set; } private Dictionary> BlocksOwned; /// /// Called once all players have finished their moves but before the Objective is checked /// protected override void OnRoundEnd(PlayerData[] allPlayers) { RoundCount++; } /// /// Checks if the Game is finished /// /// returns if game is finished public override bool isGameOver(PlayerData[] allPlayers) { return (RoundCount >= MaxRound -1); } /// /// Called once per player after they have moved onto a block /// /// Character which moved /// Client of the character /// Block moved onto protected override void OnPlayerFinishedMove(Character character, ClientData client, Block currentBlock) { ClientData OwnedClient; Material overlay = null; if (isOwned(currentBlock, out OwnedClient)) { if (OwnedClient == client) return; BlocksOwned[OwnedClient].Remove(currentBlock); foreach (Material mat in currentBlock.GetComponent().materials) { if ( == + " (Instance)") overlay = mat; } } if (overlay == null) { overlay = new Material(OverlayMaterial); List mats = new List(currentBlock.GetComponent().materials); mats.Add(overlay); currentBlock.GetComponent().materials = mats.ToArray(); } overlay.SetColor("_NewColor", client.Color); if (!BlocksOwned.ContainsKey(client)) BlocksOwned.Add(client, new List()); BlocksOwned[client].Add(currentBlock); if (overlay != null) currentBlock.StartCoroutine(AnimateBlock(overlay, 0.25f)); } protected override void OnRoundStart(PlayerData[] allPlayers) { } protected override void OnAllPlayersFinishedMove(PlayerData[] allPlayers) { foreach (PlayerData player in allPlayers) { if (BlocksOwned.ContainsKey(player.client)) player.client.SceneScore = BlocksOwned[player.client].Count; else player.client.SceneScore = 0; } } protected override void OnGameOver(PlayerData[] allPlayers) { throw new System.NotImplementedException(); } private bool isOwned(Block block, out ClientData client) { client = null; foreach (KeyValuePair> ownedList in BlocksOwned) { if (ownedList.Value.Contains(block)) { client = ownedList.Key; return true; } } return false; } private IEnumerator AnimateBlock(Material mat, float time) { float timeElasped = 0; while (timeElasped < time) { mat.SetFloat("_Multiplier", (timeElasped / time)); yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame(); timeElasped += Time.deltaTime; } mat.SetFloat("_Multiplier", 1); } protected override void OnGameStart(PlayerData[] allPlayers) { BlocksOwned = new Dictionary>(); RoundCount = 0; for(int i = 0; i < allPlayers.Length; i++) { OnPlayerFinishedMove(allPlayers[i].character, allPlayers[i].client, allPlayers[i].character.CurrentBlock); } } }