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using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using Networking.Server;
using TMPro;
using UnityEngine.UI;
[CreateAssetMenu(menuName = "Major Project/GameModes/Color Collide", order = 201)]
public class ColorGameMode : GameMode
public int MaxRound = 5;
public string nextScene = "ServerTestScene";
List<ClientData> ConnectedClients;
public Material OverlayMaterial;
public float scrollSpeed = 0.0f; //The rate at which the level will scroll past
public int RoundCount { get; private set; }
private Dictionary<ClientData, List<Block>> BlocksOwned;
/// <summary>
/// Called once all players have finished their moves but before the Objective is checked
/// </summary>
protected override void OnRoundEnd(PlayerData[] allPlayers)
//Move the camera forward at a steady rate each round
if (scrollSpeed > 0.0f)
Camera.main.transform.Translate(scrollSpeed, 0, 0, Space.World);
Debug.Log("New camera position at x = " + Camera.main.transform.position.x);
Debug.Log("Not scrolling");
//At the end of each round, any stuck players are freed to resume moving next round
foreach (PlayerData player in allPlayers)
player.character.stuck = false;
if (player.character.inPit)
/// <summary>
/// Checks if the Game is finished
/// </summary>
/// <returns>returns if game is finished</returns>
public override bool isGameOver(PlayerData[] allPlayers)
return (RoundCount >= MaxRound -1);
/// <summary>
/// Called once per player after they have moved onto a block
/// </summary>
/// <param name="character">Character which moved</param>
/// <param name="client">Client of the character</param>
/// <param name="currentBlock">Block moved onto</param>
protected override void OnPlayerMoved(Character character, ClientData client, Block currentBlock)
handleFalling(character, client, currentBlock, character.justMoved);
/*Debug.Log("Moved to square at " + currentBlock.transform.position.x + ", "
+ currentBlock.transform.position.y + ", "
+ currentBlock.transform.position.z);
//If a character has fallen in the water or into a pit, we mark that fact, and they lose the rest of their turn
character.inWater = currentBlock.isWater;
character.inPit = currentBlock.isPit;
if (character.inWater == true || character.inPit == true)
character.stuck = true;
Debug.Log("inWater = " + character.inWater + ", inPit = " + character.inPit + ", stuck = " + character.stuck);*/
//Commented out because we don't do this in the racetrack mode
/*ClientData OwnedClient;
Material overlay = null;
if (isOwned(currentBlock, out OwnedClient))
if (OwnedClient == client)
foreach (Material mat in currentBlock.GetComponent<Renderer>().materials)
if ( == + " (Instance)")
overlay = mat;
if (overlay == null)
overlay = new Material(OverlayMaterial);
List<Material> mats = new List<Material>(currentBlock.GetComponent<Renderer>().materials);
currentBlock.GetComponent<Renderer>().materials = mats.ToArray();
overlay.SetColor("_NewColor", client.Color);
if (!BlocksOwned.ContainsKey(client))
BlocksOwned.Add(client, new List<Block>());
if (overlay != null)
currentBlock.StartCoroutine(AnimateBlock(overlay, 0.25f));*/
protected override void OnRoundStart(PlayerData[] allPlayers)
protected override void OnAllPlayersMoved(PlayerData[] allPlayers)
foreach (PlayerData player in allPlayers)
/* The justMoved variable is used to determine whether a player taking their turn in the water should become stuck
* (because they moved into/in the water), or not (because they're turning while remaining in the same square)
* It's not needed from move to move, so we clear it
player.character.justMoved = false;
protected override void OnGameOver(PlayerData[] allPlayers)
throw new System.NotImplementedException();
private bool isOwned(Block block, out ClientData client)
client = null;
foreach (KeyValuePair<ClientData, List<Block>> ownedList in BlocksOwned)
if (ownedList.Value.Contains(block))
client = ownedList.Key;
return true;
return false;
private void handleFalling(Character character, ClientData client, Block currentBlock, bool didMove)
//If a character has fallen in the water or into a pit, we mark that fact, and they lose the rest of their turn
character.inWater = currentBlock.isWater;
character.inPit = currentBlock.isPit;
if (didMove && (character.inWater || character.inPit))
character.stuck = true;
Debug.Log("inWater = " + character.inWater + ", inPit = " + character.inPit + ", stuck = " + character.stuck);
protected override void OnPlayerKilled(Character character, ClientData client)
if (character.inPit)
character.lives -= 1;
character.ClientLink.Lives = character.lives;
private IEnumerator AnimateBlock(Material mat, float time)
float timeElasped = 0;
while (timeElasped < time)
mat.SetFloat("_Multiplier", (timeElasped / time));
yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame();
timeElasped += Time.deltaTime;
mat.SetFloat("_Multiplier", 1);
protected override void OnGameStart(PlayerData[] allPlayers)
BlocksOwned = new Dictionary<ClientData, List<Block>>();
RoundCount = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < allPlayers.Length; i++)
OnPlayerMoved(allPlayers[i].character, allPlayers[i].client, allPlayers[i].character.CurrentBlock);