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//Attach this script to your GameObject. This GameObject doesn’t need to have a Collider component
//Set the Layer Mask field in the Inspector to the layer you would like to see collisions in (set to Everything if you are unsure).
//Create a second Gameobject for testing collisions. Make sure your GameObject has a Collider component (if it doesn’t, click on
//the Add Component button in the GameObject’s Inspector, and go to Physics>Box Collider).
//Place it so it is overlapping your other GameObject.
//Press Play to see the console output the name of your second GameObject
//This script uses the OverlapBox that creates an invisible Box Collider that detects multiple collisions with other colliders.
//The OverlapBox in this case is the same size and position as the GameObject you attach it to (acting as a replacement for the BoxCollider component).
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class OverlapBoxExample : MonoBehaviour
bool m_Started;
public LayerMask m_LayerMask;
public Collider[] hitColliders;
void Start()
//Use this to ensure that the Gizmos are being drawn when in Play Mode.
m_Started = true;
void FixedUpdate()
void MyCollisions()
//Use the OverlapBox to detect if there are any other colliders within this box area.
//Use the GameObject's centre, half the size (as a radius) and rotation. This creates an invisible box around your GameObject.
hitColliders = Physics.OverlapBox(gameObject.transform.position, transform.localScale / 2, Quaternion.identity, m_LayerMask);
int i = 0;
//Check when there is a new collider coming into contact with the box
while (i < hitColliders.Length)
//Output all of the collider names
//Debug.Log("Hit : " + hitColliders[i].name + i);
//Increase the number of Colliders in the array
//Draw the Box Overlap as a gizmo to show where it currently is testing. Click the Gizmos button to see this
void OnDrawGizmos()
Gizmos.color =;
//Check that it is being run in Play Mode, so it doesn't try to draw this in Editor mode
if (m_Started)
//Draw a cube where the OverlapBox is (positioned where your GameObject is as well as a size)
Gizmos.DrawWireCube(transform.position, transform.localScale);