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using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class Water : ActiveBlock
[Header("Water Settings")]
[Tooltip("GameObject which appears when character respawns")]
private GameObject lillyPad;
[Tooltip("Distance character will be submerged into the water")]
private float FallDistance = 0.5f;
private bool lillyPadStartUp = false;
private bool isLillyPadUp = false;
private Character trappedCharacter;
public override int GetInitative()
return 0;
private void Start()
if (lillyPadStartUp)
StartCoroutine(LerpToPosition(lillyPad.transform, VisualPosition, 0));
isLillyPadUp = true;
public override IEnumerator OnWalkedOnByPlayer(Character player, Vector3 moveDirection)
yield return StartCoroutine(base.OnWalkedOnByPlayer(player, moveDirection));
if (trappedCharacter == null && !isLillyPadUp)
CurrentPlayer = null;
trappedCharacter = player;
trappedCharacter.stuck = true;
yield return StartCoroutine(LerpToPosition(trappedCharacter.transform, VisualPosition + Vector3.down * FallDistance, 1));
public override void OnLeftByPlayer(Character player)
if (isLillyPadUp && CurrentPlayer == null)
StartCoroutine(LerpToPosition(lillyPad.transform, VisualPosition + Vector3.down * FallDistance, 1));
isLillyPadUp = false;
public override IEnumerator OnRoundEnd(PlayerData[] allPlayers)
//Debug.Log("reseting water");
if (trappedCharacter != null)
//if character is on an angle undo their last rotation
if (trappedCharacter.transform.eulerAngles.y % 90 > 10 && trappedCharacter.transform.eulerAngles.y % 90 < 80)
trappedCharacter.transform.Rotate(Vector3.up, -trappedCharacter.lastRotation);
trappedCharacter.lastRotation = 0;
//if they are still on an angle fix to the closest rotation
if (trappedCharacter.transform.eulerAngles.y % 90 != 0)
Vector3 newRot = trappedCharacter.transform.eulerAngles;
newRot.y = Mathf.Round(newRot.y / 90) * 90;
trappedCharacter.transform.eulerAngles = newRot;
StartCoroutine(LerpToPosition(trappedCharacter.transform, VisualPosition, 1));
StartCoroutine(LerpToPosition(lillyPad.transform, VisualPosition, 1));
if (CurrentPlayer != null)
yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.2f);
yield return StartCoroutine(PushPlayOnTop());
yield return new WaitForSeconds(1);
CurrentPlayer = trappedCharacter;
trappedCharacter.stuck = false;
isLillyPadUp = true;
trappedCharacter = null;
isFinished = true;
private IEnumerator PushPlayOnTop()
Direction[] possibleDirections = DirectionExtras.RandomOrder();
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
if (Block.isBlockAtPosition(position + possibleDirections[i].ToVector() + Vector3.up, 1, ~0))
yield return StartCoroutine(DoPush(trappedCharacter, possibleDirections[i].ToVector()));
private IEnumerator LerpToPosition(Transform target, Vector3 endPos, float time)
Vector3 _startPos = target.position;
float elapsedTime = 0;
while (elapsedTime / time < 1)
target.position = Vector3.Lerp(_startPos, endPos, (elapsedTime / time));
yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame();
elapsedTime += Time.deltaTime;
target.position = endPos;