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36 lines
661 B

  1. fileFormatVersion: 2
  2. guid: c24c76f5a4dd09e438c024cb8078f81a
  3. PluginImporter:
  4. externalObjects: {}
  5. serializedVersion: 2
  6. iconMap: {}
  7. executionOrder: {}
  8. defineConstraints: []
  9. isPreloaded: 0
  10. isOverridable: 0
  11. isExplicitlyReferenced: 0
  12. platformData:
  13. - first:
  14. Any:
  15. second:
  16. enabled: 0
  17. settings: {}
  18. - first:
  19. Editor: Editor
  20. second:
  21. enabled: 0
  22. settings:
  23. DefaultValueInitialized: true
  24. - first:
  25. Facebook: WebGL
  26. second:
  27. enabled: 1
  28. settings: {}
  29. - first:
  30. WebGL: WebGL
  31. second:
  32. enabled: 1
  33. settings: {}
  34. userData:
  35. assetBundleName:
  36. assetBundleVariant: